LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

How to activate a LinkedIn Learning account

If you previously had a Lynda.com account, you will need to activate your LinkedIn Learning account using the activation email that was sent to your UWaterloo email. For more information on how to begin this process, view the steps listed on this page: LinkedIn Learning - Get Started

If you are a new user and do not have an existing Lynda.com account, please use this link to activate your University of Waterloo LinkedIn Learning account: https://lnkd.in/dmxpssx

Connecting a LinkedIn account to a Learning account during activation

Please read about the benefits of connecting a LinkedIn account to a LinkedIn Learning account on the LinkedIn Learning website (including privacy information and options).

Note: You do not need to connect your LinkedIn account with your LinkedIn Learning account to share training achievements/certificates to your profile.

to LinkedIn Learning

  1. Navigate to https://linkedin.com/learning/login

  2. Click Sign in with your organization account.
    Note: Some users may not see this login screen and instead skipped to Step 3.

    LinkedIn Learning sign-in menu. 'Sign in with your organization account' option is near the bottom of the menu (you would select that instead of inputting your email or phone, and password).


  3. Enter your 8-character username @uwaterloo.ca (e.g. j25rober@uwaterloo.ca) and your LinkedIn password. Then, click Continue.

  4. You will be redirected to the UWaterloo login page. Enter your 8-character username @uwaterloo.ca (e.g. j25rober@uwaterloo.ca) again and then click Next.

  5. Enter your password and click Sign in.

Your privacy

Visit LinkedIn's Privacy Policy page to learn more about the data they collect, how it's used, your choices and obligations, what your organization can see, and more. 

Account support



Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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