

GoSignMeUp is used as the Registration System for some of University of Waterloo's Training and Development courses. You need to have an account before the system will register you for a course. If you have previously created your account, follow the instructions below to Register for a course.

In this article:

Create an account

Register for a course

Create an account


  1. Go to UWaterloo’s GoSignMeUp page

  2. Click UW Login in the top right corner

    GoSignMeUp home screen has a side toolbar listing various departments and roles and a description of the training and registration development system.


  3. Enter your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. myuserna) and password and click UW Login

    Sign-in menu requests for username, password and affiliation (participant, facilitator, supervisor). There is an option for non-UW login as well as UW login.


  4. This will take you to the Single Sign-on page. Enter your username@uwaterloo.ca (i.e. myuserna@uwaterloo.ca).

  5. Click Next


  6. Enter your password and press Enter or click Next

  7. Click My Account in the top right corner

  8. Complete the Participant Information form by clicking the pencil icon in the top right corner of the participant information box.

  • Role and Faculty/Unit are required fields for all participants.

  • Select your primary role at UWaterloo

  • Only students enter their Student ID numbers and Degree Program

  • Click Save


Register for a course

To find courses (or sessions):

  1. Click one of the options on the left side of the page

  2. Click the group that best describes your role at UWaterloo

To register for the course (or sessions):

  1. Click Register on the right side of a course offering


  2. After you have registered for one or more courses, then click the Items icon located above the text that says Browse Course/Sessions


  3.  Click the green checkout button


  4. If you have not logged into the system yet, you will be prompted to do so before the registration can be completed.

  5. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that includes an .ical attachment, which will allow you to add the new course to your calendar.

Waiting Lists

Full courses and sessions will have a waiting list. If a space becomes available, you will receive an email stating that you have moved from the waiting list to enrolled status.

Cancelling your Registration

To cancel a course (or session):

  1. Log into the main page

  2. Click My Account

  3. Under Course/Sessions click Enrolled (or click Waiting if you are on the waiting list for the course)

  4. Next, click the drop-down list and select Cancel Course

Viewing your Activity Log

To view all the courses you have registered for, past and present:

  1. Log onto GoSignMeUp

  2. Click My Account

  3. View Courses/Sessions and select the list you want to view (enrolled, waiting, past etc.). You can also print these lists.

Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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