Using AV equipment in TJB-1061

Using AV equipment in TJB-1061

TJB-1061 has a TV screen. If needed, a long HDMI cable and a Meeting Owl Pro are stored in a locker at the front of the room. The code to the locker changes each term and will be provided to you when you book the space.

When connecting to the TV with the HDMI cable please use HDMI1 (labelled) on the back of the TV. Do not use the HDMI port on the wall below the TV.

How do I use it?

  1. Follow the set-up instructions in How to Set Up the Meeting Owl Pro: A Comprehensive Guide (don't worry about downloading the app - you don't need it).

  2. Refer to Owl https://support.owllabs.com/s/knowledge/How-to-start-a-meeting-in-your-video-conferencing-platform?language=en_US - How to start a meeting in your video conferencing platform for detailed instructions for the software you are using.

Where do I go for help?

Please contact Health Computing if you need assistance setting up or using the Meeting Owl.