Managing Job Listings

Managing Job Listings

On This Page

The Job Listing Page

  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard.

  2. Click the Jobs icon from the sidebar menu.

    Jobs button
  3. This will take the user to the Job Listing Page, which is split into three sections:

    1. Active Listings - appears first and lists all jobs that are currently open for applications.

    2. Upcoming Listings - appears second and lists all jobs that are scheduled to open in the future, but are not yet open for applications.

    3. Completed Listings - appears last and lists all jobs that have passed their deadline for applications, and are no longer open for applications.

  4. Each of these sections can be individually navigated, and all jobs can be individually managed, as discussed in later sections.

Navigating the Job Listing Page

Along the top of each individual section is a black bar containing the headings for columns of information associated with each listing. Listings can be sorted by the information associated with most headings in either ascending or descending order.

  1. Clicking the dual arrow icon to the right of a heading title will sort all listings by the associated information.



    1. When a heading is selected as the active sorting heading, it will display either a downwards or upwards pointing arrow to indicate whether applicants are being sorted in descending (downwards) or ascending (upwards) order.

      Descending (left) and ascending (right) arrows
    2. The order that listings are sorted can be switched by clicking on the arrow to the right of the column heading.

By default, the list of applicants is sorted by Job ID in descending order. Each section is sorted individually, so sorting one section will not effect the order that other sections are displayed in.

In addition, the search bar to the top right of each individual section can be used to search all listings in that section. Listings can be searched by any keyword displayed in the columns of information.

OFAS search bar

Managing Job Listings

For each individual listing, there are a few actions the user can take:

Job listing action items
  • Applications - allows the user to view each application for the associated listing. This is covered in more detail on the Managing Job Applications page.

  • Apply - allows the user to apply for the associated listing, likely on behalf of another applicant. This is covered in more depth on the Submitting on Behalf of an Applicant page.

  • Edit - allows the user to edit the associated listing. This will take the user to the same editor used to create job listings, where any information on the listing can be changed. Please note that requirements for a job listing cannot be updated after a job has received an application.

  • Preview - opens a dropdown menu that allows the user to select an element of the associated listing to view as if they were an applicant. Options include viewing the job application page that prospective applicants will see, or having a preview copy of any of the associated email templates sent to the user’s email account.

  • Delete - will remove the associated listing from the website. It will no longer be visible to applicants, and will not exist in the Jobs Listing Page or Admin Dashboard. When clicked, a dialogue box will appear prompting the user to confirm their decision, and a second one will popup. Once done, this action cannot be reversed. All files related to the job applications will be removed.



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