Comparing revisions

The Waterloo Content Management System (WCMS) keeps a history of past revisions of many content types. Users can view and compare past revisions to the current revision.

Users with the Site manager, Content editor, or Content author roles have access to compare and revert past revisions.

How to compare revisions

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench, and then select My Dashboard.

  2. From the Content list section, select the page you wish to see past revisions of.

  3. Select the Revisions tab at the top of the page. On this page you will see a list of all revisions, who completed the change(s), and at what time.

    screenshot of revisions tab
    Screenshot of revision history
  4. From the chart, select two revisions to compare.

  5. Select Compare selected revisions to view the differences.

  6. The differences between the two revisions chosen are shown on a single page.

    1. Anything removed is highlighted in red.

    2. Anything added or kept is highlighted in green.

Note: If a page is reverted to a past revision, the user is likely to encounter an error message when editing/updating said page. The error message will read "The content has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications. As a result, your changes cannot be saved". This error will not allow the user to update any blocks on the page. Blocks will have to be re-added to edit or update the page.