Web form checklist

This is a list of basic information/components needed to create a Web form. Keep these guiding questions in mind during the Web form creation process, in order to help you create an appropriate, clear and complete Web form.

Web form title/heading

  • The title will appear at the top of the Web form, the menu link (if you choose to show it) and the URL address.

  • This is a required field.

Contact person/form administrator

  • This is a required field that needs to be in a form of WatIAM userid.

  • Will be shown under the web form introduction in a link text “form administrator”.

  • Who can the users contact if they have questions regarding the Web form?

Short Web form introduction

  • What is the Web form about?

  • When is the deadline for users to complete the Web form?

  • Is there any additional information for the users regarding the Web form?

Targeted audience

  • Who is the targeted audience for the Web form?

Parent menu and menu link

  • Where would you like the Web form in the navigation?

  • Would there be a menu link to the Web form?

Determine form components

  • What questions would you like to ask the users?

  • What type of information would you like to collect from the users?

  • Are you gathering information that will not violate the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)?

Required form components

  • Which will be the required form component that the users need to submit (e.g. email address, last name, faculty or department, etc.)?


  • Are there any specific conditionals for the form components? (E.g. if users choose “Students” as their occupation, then “Program/Major” text field will display).

  • Would you like to show/hide a specific form component for certain users?

Email settings

  • Would you like to send a confirmation email to the users?

  • Would you like someone in your area to receive a notification upon Web form submission?

  • What content would you like to include in the notification and confirmation emails?

Form settings

  • Where will users be redirected after they submitted to the Web form: a confirmation page? A custom URL? Or no redirect?

  • What would the message be in the confirmation page?

  • Would you like users to be able to see the progress bar so they can estimate how long the form is?

  • Would you like to enable the preview page for users before they submit the form?

  • Would you like users to be able to save the form as a draft (only available for authenticated users)?

Form submission

  • Are there specific groups/roles that can submit to the Web form?

  • Who can submit to the Web form?

Submission limit

  • Is there a total submission limit?

  • Is there a submission limit per user?