Publication categories
How to create Publication Categories
Site managers can create Publication categories as another option to filter Publication articles. When creating categories, Site managers can add a menu link which will act as a listing page for all Publication articles within this category.
Note: More than one category can be selected by Content maintainers when creating Publication articles.
Create a category (Site managers)
From the Administration bar, select Dashboard.
Under Vocabularies, select Publication categories.
Add term.
Enter a Machine name. Please note:
A unique machine-readable name. The path will be issues/{machine_name}.
Articles will have the path of {machine_name}/{category_name}/{article_name}.
Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.
Underscores will be converted to hyphens.
Enter a Name for the category.
Provide a menu link (optional under Menu settings).
Options to include a different Menu link title and description are available.
Enter a Description (optional).
Option to create redirects to this category.