Mailman subscription widget (WCMS 2)
How to add a Mailman subscription widget
WCMSÂ sites have support for a Mailman subscription widget. This widget allows site visitors to sign up for a mailing list registered with the Mailman service. The Mailman subscription widget can be added to the body or sidebar content, as well as in the site footer and in sidebar promotional items.
From the Administration bar, click My Workbench.
Select the Create/Manage Content tab and select a web page in which you will insert the Mailman subscriber block.
Add the desired Heading and Body content to the web page. This will generally be information about the mailing list the user will be signing up for.
Select the Add/Edit Mailman Subscription Form button located to the right of the twitter widget button. This should open a popup with two fields for customization.
Select the appropriate Mailman server for your
mailing list from the first dropdown. In this example, we will create a
subscription system for UWweb, which is located on the server.In the Mailman mailing list subscription URL field, enter the name of your mailing list. For this example, we will use uwweb.
Pressing ok will create a black box with an image of an envelope in the centre.
Once published, the promotional item will have a fillable field, labeled Email address, with a subscribe button.
The "Email address" and "Subscribe" wording are hard-coded and cannot be changed.
There is no validation set to ensure that the email field recognizes the inputted values as an email address; however, some browsers will recognize if an incorrect value has been entered and will display an error message.