Publication reference
What is a Publication reference?
The Publication reference content type contains information similar to a bibliography or citation and appears on the Publications listing page. There are 36 supported publication types, including: Book, Book Chapter, Conference Paper, Journal Article, Patent, Software, Web Article, and more.
Create a Publication reference
From the administration bar, select Workbench then My Dashboard.
In the Publication reference box, select the Add button beside Publication reference.
Select the publication type you would like to create from the provided list.
Note: For the purposes of this document, we will be going through how to create a Journal Article reference, as it is one of the most common publication types and many other reference types have similar fields.
Required fields
In the Title field, enter the Reference title using sentence case.
Under Publication, enter the Year of Publication and the Journal where the reference is from.
Select Draft from the Revision state field.
Select Save at the bottom of the page.
Optional fields
Optional information can be added to Publication references. Navigate to the Edit tab of a Publication reference:
Delete (site managers only)