

You can create an Opportunity that will populate your Opportunities landing page with job, volunteer, and research participation opportunities.

Create an Opportunity

There are two steps to creating an Opportunity. First, the opportunity page information is added. This page information can be changed in the Edit tab after the opportunity has been saved. The second step is to add the content to the page in the Layout tab to add Sections and Blocks.

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench, and then select My Dashboard.

  2. Under Content types, select Add next to Opportunity.

  3. In the Title field, enter the title of the Opportunity.

  4. Enter a Position Summary. This is a brief summary, full details can be entered when configuring the layout of the Opportunity page.

  5. In the Opportunity panel:

    1. Select the Opportunity type (paid, research participant, volunteer).

    2. Select the Employment type (full-time or part-time).

    3. Include the Job ID associated with the opportunity (optional).

      Screenshot of Rate of pay drop-down menu
  6. In the Details panel:

    1. Enter which department/office the position is Posted by.

    2. Select the Number of positions available using the drop-down menu.

    3. Enter information about which department/person the position Reports to (optional).

  7. In the Dates panel:

    1. Enter the Date posted/application open.

    2. Enter the application deadline, start date and end date (optional).

  8. Enter optional links in the Links panel. You can enter a link to application, additional information, and contact for additional information.

  9. In the Meta tag information for social media sharing/search/etc. block, the Description of content field is mandatory for the page to be published. Enter a brief and concise description of the opportunity. Additionally, you can add an optional Associated image. This image will be used as a thumbnail in social networks and other services.

  10. Advanced configuration options provide more detailed meta tag options of basic tags and advanced tags for social media.

  11. Select Menu settings (found in the sidebar at the top of the page) and select Place in site hierarchy if you would like the opportunity to appear in the main navigation menu. Choosing this option will prompt more fields to add the Menu link title, Description, Parent Link and Weight.

  12. URL alias is an option to create a manual URL.

  13. Promotion Options allow you to choose if you would like this Opportunity promoted to front page and/or sticky at top of lists.

  14. Choose the state in the field beside Save as: Draft, Needs Review, Published, or Archived.

  15. Select Save.

Note: To change any of the above information, select the Edit tab of the page.

Next Steps

The next step in creating an Opportunity is to configure the Layout of the page and add content. After selecting Save when creating a new Opportunity, the Layout builder will automatically appear. WCMS 3 gives you the freedom to add different types of sections (columns) and content blocks to the page.

Always refer to the University of Waterloo Writing Style Guide and Brand guidelines for guidance on style, formatting and grammar.

  1. Select revision state from the Change to: drop-down menu. It is a good practice to always check the revision state because it will default to the last state chosen.

  2. From the Layout builder, configure the layout of the Opportunity page by choosing sections (columns), types of content blocks, and adding the Opportunity content in the content blocks. See how to add Sections and how to add Blocks for more information.

  3. Select Save layout.

  4. When the Opportunity page is ready to be published, select Publish this content from the Revision State section at the top of the page in the View tab or change the revision state to Published at the bottom of the Edit page, or top of the Layout builder.

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