Concur Dashboard

Concur Dashboard


Report Name

Concur Dashboard


This report contains data exported from Concur to Power BI. The data is meant for Financial Officers and Department Administrators who are integral in administering expense claims within their respective departments.


Financial Administrators at various levels


Department Admin

Data Security

Individuals with reporting access at the org unit level or above in Unit 4 will be able to see like information in this report.

Policy 46 Data Classification




Data Refresh:

Data within the report is as of 7pm from the previous day.



Report Description

This Dashboard contains information related to the following:
1. FPER User & Claim Data
2. Outstanding & Past Due Cash Advances
3. User Administration
4. Workflow Cycle Times drilled down by Department and Approver
5. Claims actively in the Workflow in Concur

Data in the Dashboard is as of 7pm the previous day.

Data Security

This report is subject to the reporting access data control hierarchy used in Unit4 (org unit and above only). An Individual’s position in the data control hierarchy will determine how much or how little information will be returned when viewing this report.

Department Administrators have reporting access at the org unit level an above.

Report Contents

Landing Page

(1) Dashboards

There are 7 different pages within the Concur Dashboard. To navigate to each one, simply click the related icon.

(2) Help Buttons

  • The UW BI Notification App - a place for Finance to publish updates or information about service outages.

  • Guidance and Instruction Documentation - a link to these Confluence page instructions for the report.

  • Report an Issue in Jira - a link to submit a ticket to Finance about an issue with the report.

  • Provide feedback on this report - a link to a Microsoft Form to submit feedback about the report.

Cash Advance Dashboard

(1) Legend



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

**Employee Drill-Down & Cash Advance Drill-Down can both be exported into excel to view.

Hover over the top-right corner of the table to prompt the ellipsis icon and select Export data.

Prompts the Faculty/Department filter to pop out from the side of the screen.

(2) Filters

By Faculty and/or Department

Prompt: Click the arrow that is pointing right, which is located on the left side of the page.
Usage: By selecting a Faculty, it will filter the corresponding departments within the faculty. If only one faculty is applicable, click any combination of departments to filter the data on the page. To review the results of the filtered data, click the “curved arrow” point to the left at the top of the filter, or click any of the white background.
Reset: To reset the filter, navigate back to the filter and click “Clear Filter”.

By Employee

Usage: Enter the first or last name of an employee to filter the “Employee Drill-Down” and “Cash Advance Drill-Down”.
Reset: To reset the filter, click the highlighted eraser icon, located to the right of the search bar

(3) Cash Advance Drill-Down

Days Past Due - #Days Past Due is calculating the number of business days between Todays Date - End Date.

FPER Dashboard

(1) Legend



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

Users with 0 FPER claims, Users with Unsubmitted FPER claims & FPER Claims in Workflow can be exported to excel.

Hover over the top-right corner of the table to prompt the ellipsis icon and select Export data.

(2) Tables

a) Users with 0 FPER Claims - A list of FPER users who have not been paid a FPER claim for the current Fiscal year.
b) A list of FPER reports and the corresponding claimants who have submitted an FPER claim and it has been sent back to them for correction. The claim is currently sitting in the claimant’s unsubmitted queue.
c) A list of FPER claims currently in the workflow and the corresponding approver they are sitting with.

Workflow Cycle

(1) Legend



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

Prompts the Faculty/Department filter.

Links directly to the Department Drill-Down.

Links directly to the Approver Drill-Down.

Links directly to the Claim in Workflow Dashboard.

(2) Filters

By Faculty and/or Department

Prompt: Click the arrow that is pointing right, which is located on the left side of the page.
Usage: By selecting a Faculty, it will filter the corresponding departments within the faculty. If only one faculty is applicable, click any combination of departments to filter the data on the page. To review the results of the filtered data, click the “curved arrow” point to the left at the top of the filter, or click any of the white background.
Reset: To reset the filter, navigate back to the filter and click “Clear Filter”.

(3) KPIs

a) Average Approval Time - Calculated in business days and only considers business hours (8:30am - 4:30pm). The average approval time for a person in the workflow who is a Department Reviewer, Supervisor, Financial Approver, 120-day approver or User Added Approver. A User added approver is when a claim is “approved and forwarded” to another individual outside the typical workflow. This metric does not include Concur Audit Service, AP/Research or automatic approvals. This metric also considers claims that are sent back.

b) Workflow Cycle Time - The time, in business days, from when an employee first submits a claims to the time their claim is approved by AP/Research and sent for payment. This metric excludes claims that have a Workflow Cycle Time greater than 90 business days.

c) %Claims Sent Back - The percentage of claims that are sent back at any point in the Workflow.

d) Average Approval Time - The average number of business days it takes for a person to approve an expense claim, broken down by role in the workflow. A User added approver is when a claim is “approved and forwarded” to another individual outside the typical workflow.

e) % Claims Sent Back by Role - The percentage of claims that are sent back at each step in the workflow. The cumulative percentage will not necessarily equal the total percentage of claims sent back. A claim could be sent back multiple times at different steps in the workflow.

Department Drill-Down

(1) Legend **How to Export Data - *Data in the Dashboard is as of 7pm the previous day.



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

**The Department Drill-Down table can be exported to excel.

Hover over the top-right corner of the table to prompt the "3-dot" icon to begin the export process.

Links directly to the Workflow Cycle.

Links directly to the Approver Drill-Down.

Links directly to the Claim in Workflow Dashboard.


(2) Filters

Usage: Enter the Department name in the Search Bar to filter the table below.
Reset: To reset the filter, click the highlighted eraser icon, located to the right of the search bar

Usage: Enter the Department number in the Search Bar to filter the table below.
Reset: To reset the filter, click the highlighted eraser icon, located to the right of the search bar

(3) KPIs

a) Department # - Based on primary org unit of an approver.
c) # Approvals - The number of approvals conducted by users who have a primary org unit equal to the Department #.
d) Average Approval Time - Average time it takes for the department to conduct an approval, in business days. It only considers business hours so it claims are received and approved before/after business hours, it would be equal to 0.

Approver Drill-Down

(1) Legend **How to Export Data - *Data in the Dashboard is as of 7pm the previous day.



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

**The Approver Drill-Down table can be exported to excel.

Hover over the top-right corner of the table to prompt the "3-dot" icon to begin the export process.

Links directly to the Workflow Cycle.

Links directly to the Department Drill-Down.

Links directly to the Claim in Workflow Dashboard.


(2) Filters

Usage: Enter the Approver in the Search Bar to filter the table below.
Reset: To reset the filter, click the highlighted eraser icon, located to the right of the search bar

(3) KPIs

a) Department # - Based on primary org unit
b) # Approvals - The number of approvals conducted by users who have a primary org unit equal to the Department #.
c) Average Approval Time - Average time it takes for the department to conduct an approval, in business days. It only considers business hours so it claims are received and approved before/after business hours, it would be equal to 0.

d) Average Approval Time - Average time it takes for the department to conduct an approval, in business days.

Claims in Workflow: Drill-Down

(1) Legend **How to Export Data - *Data in the Dashboard is as of 7pm the previous day.



Navigates back to the Landing Page.

Links directly to the confluence article that support the current Dashboard that is being viewed.

**The Claims in Workflow table can be exported to excel.

Hover over the top-right corner of the table to prompt the "3-dot" icon to begin the export process.

Links directly to the Workflow Cycle.

Links directly to the Department Drill-Down.

Links directly to the Approver Drill-Down.


(2) Filters

Usage: Enter the Claimant in the Search Bar to filter the table below.
Reset: To reset the filter, click the highlighted eraser icon, located to the right of the search bar

(3) KPIs

a) Age (Days) - Indicates the number of business days the claim has been with the current approver.

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