WUSA Dashboard
Report Description
The WUSA (Waterloo Undergraduate Students’ Association) dashboard is to be used by WUSA authorized staff to obtain data analytics for optional incidental fees. As of the Fall 2019 term, per the Provincial government mandate, some student fees are deemed to be optional and students are given a means to opt out of paying them. The dashboard will provide WUSA staff some insight into what type of students are choosing to opt out and may be used to allow better targeting of campaigns.
Data Security
Specific users have been identified as WUSA staff as well as current WUSA executives are added to the Grouper Group and have access to the dashboard.
Report Contents
- In this report only fees which have been designated as optional per Student Choice Initiative are included. Only terms since Fall 2019 (1209) are available for selection as Optional fees project was implemented from this term forward.
- Only terms where the fee was charged will be available - if a fee was not charged due to Covid then no data will be available for that particular term.
- This report contains only students who are "Assigned Registered" i.e. defined by UW to have actually paid or have promised to pay to the satisfaction of the university
- In this report "Opted Out" means that students have actively engaged in Quest self-service and selected they do not want to contribute to this student endowment
- In this report "Not Opted Out" means either student has actively engaged in Quest self-service and did not choose to opt out of this particular endowment fee OR they have not actively engaged in optional fee in Quest self service either because they are unaware of the functionality or because they have decided not to opt out of any fees. They can both be considered "paid" for the purpose of access to specific services.
Summary by Term
(1) Opt Out Summary
On this visual the user is able to see the percentage of students who have not opted out vs those who have opted out of a particular fee. The display's result reflects filters which are applied in (2).
The visual can be drilled-through (add link once doc published) to display additional details on Area of Study , Co-op Status, and Academic Level.
(2) Selection Filter
Filter applicable to the visual include:
- Academic level - single or multiple level can be selected. NL means no level used for non-degree programs.
- Area of study - Area of Study equals faculty except joint programs such as Software Engineering which are broken down by program.
Term - single term can be selected. Note depending if the fee is charged for a particular term, there maybe no data available.
Coop Status - coop and/or regular program can be selected.
Drill Through - Details
The Details page provides additional details based on the selection made on Summary by term page for Term, Opt Out Status and Fee Name.
(1) Details by Area of Study/Program
This visualization provides breakdown by Area of Study for Term, Fee and Opt Out Status.
The Details by Area of Study can be further drilled down to provide details based on Program of study.
(2) Coop Status
This visualization breaks down for Fee Name, and Term what percent of the student for Opt Out Status are coop vs regular students.
(3) Level
This visualization breaks down for what level of student have chosen to opt out or not for Fee Name, and Term.
Term over Term for WUSA Fees
(1) Term over Term visualization
This visualization provides a term over term comparison for all WUSA specific fees. If a column is blank it means that fee was not charged for that term.
(2) Selection Filter
Filter applicable to the visual include:
- Academic level - single or multiple level can be selected. NL means no level used for non-degree programs.
- Term - single or multiple terms can be selected. Note depending if the fee is charged for a particular term, there maybe no data available.
- Opt Out Status - User can select to view the comparison for only student who Opted out or who did not Opted out.
- Coop Status - coop and/or regular program can be selected.
- Area of study - Area of Study equals faculty except joint programs such as Software Engineering which are broken down by program.
Term over Term Society Fee
(1) Term over Term visualization
This visualization provides a term over term comparison for all Undergraduate Society Fee. If a column is blank it means that fee was not charged for that term.
(2) Selection Filter
Filter applicable to the visual include:
- Academic level - single or multiple level can be selected. NL means no level used for non-degree programs.
- Term - single or multiple terms can be selected. Note depending if the fee is charged for a particular term, there maybe no data available.
- Opt Out Status - User can select to view the comparison for only student who Opted out or who did not Opted out.
- Coop Status - coop and/or regular program can be selected.
- Area of study - Area of Study equals faculty except joint programs such as Software Engineering which are broken down by program.
- Fee - One or more fee can be selected.