Procurement Dashboard
Report Description
This report contains information relating to POs and Requisitions from the various university orgunits.
It shows the state of current requisitions and POs in their workflows and workflow statistics. It also includes overview information of who was responsible for the most POs and what their contents are.
Data Security
All of the contents of this report is made available to the end user, there are no additional security features that limit viewing access based on user.
Report Contents
Page 1 - Overview
Visual 1 - Count of Pos by Month and Year
This visual shows the number of POs each month for the past years.
Its fields include the
- Month - Month of a year
- orderNumbers - The number of orders in that month
Filters include
- Count of orderNumber - Can help Identify specific periods of time when levels of activity occur
- orderDate - Month
- orderDate – Filter to select which year specifically to look at.
You can click on a specific year in the legend to highlight/filter data for only that year on the entire page.
Visual 2 - Orders by buyer
This visual shows how many POs each buyer is responsible for and what each of their states are
Its fields include
- Buyer - The name of the buyer
- Status - The status of the PO (what do the letters mean?)
- C → Closed,
- F → Finished,
- N → Active
- O → Ordered
- T → Terminated
- OrderNumber - The number of Pos
Its filters include
- Buyer – select the buyer you want to view in more detail
- Count of orderNumber(suggested for removal)
- Status – select the status of PO you want to view in more detail
You can select a specific section of the bar graph to filter/highlight orders based on that individual and status, if multiple sections are desired simply hold down shift and click another section of the bar to show results from both sections. You can also select a person's name to filter for data related solely to that person.
Visual 3 - Top 10 Orders by Amount
This visual Shows the 10 largest POs by dollar amount and other details corresponding to that PO
Its fields include the
- PO# - the number corresponding to the purchase order
- Buyer - the name of the buyer
- Amount - The cost of the PO in dollars
- Requisitioner - The name of the requisitioner
- Supplier - The name of the supplier
Its filters include
- Amount – filters by an desires PO amount
- Buyer – select a specific buyer of interest
- Requisitioner – select a specific req of interest
- Supplier – Select a specific supplier of interest
Visual 4 - Outstanding Order Past due dates
Shows a list of POs which have outstanding quantities whose delivery date is already past
Its fields include
- PO - the number of the purchase order
- Delivery Date
- Qty Outstanding
- Product Description
Its filters include
- Product description
- Purchase Order – select the PO of interest
Visual 5 - Count of POs by Product Group and Product
Shows visually how many POs are requested by product group and product. This visuals uses the area inside a rectangle to show the relative numbers of POs within each category.
Its fields include
- PO - The number of purchase order corresponding to that group
- Product Group - The product group which the PO is in
Its filters include
- Amount
- PO
- Product
- Product Group
Visual 6 - Shows visually how many POs are present in each faculty and their org units
Its fields includes
- Count of POs
- Orgunit
- Department
Its filters include
- Amount – filters the POs to be over or under a certain cost
Visual 7 - Order Date
A slicer that is included in all pages, it can be used to restrict/set the dates of the POs/Requisition to be seen.
Page 2 - Req Metrics - Hours
Visual 1 - Top 10 Longest Orders
This visual shows the top 10 longest orders by proc
Its fields include
- Requsition
- Working hours in Proc (Working hours being the hours spent from 8:30-4:30)
- Working hours in WF
Its filters include
- Buyer
- PO
- Requisitioner (filter to top 10 working hours in proc, locked)
- Working hours in Proc
- Working hours in WF
Visual 2 - Average number of working hours in WF
Its field include
- Working hours in WF (averaged)
Its filters include
- Average working hours in WF
Visual 3 - Average number of working hours in Proc
Its field include
- Working hours in WF (averaged)
Its filters include
- Average working hours in Proc
Visual 4 - Top 10 longest Orders to Finish workflow
Its fields includes
- Month
- Average working hours in WF
- Average working hours in Proc
Its filters includes
- Month
- Working hours in WF (averaged)
- Working hours in Proc (averaged)
Page 3 - Req Metrics - Days
Visual 1 - Top 10 Longest Orders
This visual shows the top 10 longest orders by proc
Its fields include
- Requsition
- Working days outside of Proc (Working days being the number of business days)
- Working days in Proc
Its filters include
- Buyer
- PO
- Requisitioner (filter to top 10 working days in proc, locked)
- Requisitioner
- Working Days in Proc
- Working Days in WF
- Working Days outside of Proc
Visual 2 - Average number of working days in WF
Its fields include
- Average of Working Days in WF
Its filters include
- Average of Working Days in WF
Visual 3 - Average number of working days in Proc
Its fields include
- Average of Working Days in Proc
Its filters include
- Average of Working Days in Proc
Visual 4 - Top 10 Longest Orders to Finish Workflow
Its fields include
- Month
- Average of Working Days in Proc
- Average of Working Days in WF
Its filters include
- Month
- Average of Working Days in Proc
- Average of Working Days in WF
Page 4 - WorkFlow Stats
Visual 1 - Requisition in Workflow Cards
Its Fields Includes
- Count of requisition
Its filters include
- workflowUserStep (Each card value corresponds to the number of requisition with that specific workflowUserStep filter)
Visual 2 - POs in Workflow Cards
Its Fields Includes
- Count of purchaseOrder
Its filters include
- workflowUserStep (Each card value corresponds to the number of POs with that specific workflowUserStep filter)
Visual 3 - Number of Req by Task Owner and Workflow Step
Its Fields Includes
- Task Owner
- Workflow Step
- Number of Requisitions
Its Filters Includes
- Task Owner
- Workflow Step is assign requisition to buyer or buyer finalize transaction (locked)
- Number of Requisitions
Visual 4 - Number of POs by Task Owner and Workflow Step
Its Fields Includes
- Task Owner
- Workflow Step
- Number of Orders
Its Filters Includes
- Task Owner
- Workflow Step is not blank(locked)
- Number of Orders
Page 5 - Aggregate Purchases
Visual 1 - Aggregate Purchases on PO by Account by Fiscal Year
This visuals shows the POs by accounts and year, the row corresponds to the account which it was expensed for and the column the year.
Its Fields Includes
- Account
- fiscal Year
- Amount
Its Filters Includes
- Account
- fiscal Year
- Amount
- Org Unit
- Senior Admin
- Business Unit
- Department