Telephone contact representative details

Telephone contact representative details

The telephone contact representative is the main liaison between a department on campus and Telecommunications Services (TS).

The primary responsibilities of the telephone representative are:

  1. Review the monthly invoices from TS and notify TS immediately of any issues or problems.

  2. Approve and send all requests to TS. This tells TS that the request has been reviewed and approved within the department.

  3. Attend campus seminars put on by TS.

  4. Become familiar with the TS website and news items in order to provide front line support for their department.

  5. Initiate steps to find a replacement representative when you are moving on or retiring.


  • Departments may have multiple telephone representatives (up to four).

  • A telephone representative may designate another representative.

  • In the absence of a telephone contact representative, TS will look for a person of authority within the department to designate the first telephone representative.

  • In special circumstances, TS will process a request from someone other than the telephone representative but will copy the representative on all correspondence.

  • Only telephone representative can access online TS invoices.

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