Hosted virtual servers

Hosted virtual servers

About this service

IST's hosted virtual servers are a convenient, powerful way to run server environments for a variety of uses. This service is designed to allow campus IT administrators the ability to offload the purchase of computer hardware or operating system (OS) deployments to IST, thereby saving you time and money.

How we can help

IST will work with you to assess your server needs before providing a recommendation on platform, OS, and configuration details. The two primary offerings are:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service: IST provides a machine and the client is responsible for installing the OS, patching, configuration, etc.

  2. Platform as a Service: IST provides an OS, performs routine system patching/maintenance, and does regular monitoring of the server.  IST can also pre-configure your server with libraries and applications according to whether it is a web server, database server, etc.  Please contact us for available options.

Available environments

  • Both Windows and Linux-based platforms are available.

  • Additionally, IST is currently licensed for both RHEL and Windows servers running in the environment - no additional OS licenses are required

  • For the PaaS offering, IST uses server orchestration software to facilitate the rapid and accurate deployment of server environments. Tools used include SaltStack and Microsoft SCCM.


For all servers, the following requirements exist:

  1. User accounts must exist in WatIAM.

  2. User accounts that require elevated privileges must have a Nexus\!uw_userid account. If the user does not have such an account, please submit a separate request to rt-ist-winserver@rt.uwaterloo.ca with the following information:

    1. the regular uw_userid of the WatIAM account

    2. the sponsor of the account - a manager in the faculty or department

    3. the OU location in the AD where the account should be created

    4. an expiry date for the account, if known

  3. IST does not support virtual machines that require oracle java or other contract/cost required software. Should such software be installed the full cost of licensing is the responsibility of the requestor of the virtual machine including any additional costs based on how licensing is done. This may include licensing the physical hosting server or the entire cluster itself. 

  4. If a server will be hosting web content, it must be AODA compliant. If a site on a hosted server is found to be non-compliant and failed to be corrected after one warning, the web services ports will be blocked. 

  5. Regular security patching of all servers is required. Servers that are found to be un-patched will be taken offline. 

Note: IST can choose to decline a service request if it does not fit the current environment (e.g. high performance computing is not supported). Routine maintenance and service availability is subject to the standard Technology Integrated Services (TIS) Service Level Expectations.

Who can use this service

  • Faculty

  • Researchers

  • IT Support Staff

How to request this service

Please submit server requests through the IST Server form.

Please note: A full-time faculty member must authorize all requests.

Support for this service

Submit an inquiry using the IST general request form 



Additional service resources

Resources may be located within the IST Knowledge Base or on a website outside of this Confluence space.

IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry

Service catalogue feedback

If you’d like to share any feedback about this service catalogue entry, please let us know.


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