Hosted databases

Hosted databases

About this service

IST can provide you with a database on the following platforms for use with your database-backed application:

  • MySQL

  • Microsoft SQL Server

Please be advised that IST only provides the database and performs daily backups. The client is responsible for performing all routine database administration tasks, including the creation of a schema, SQL queries, indexes, shared routines, etc.

IST can also, under select circumstances, install and maintain a dedicated database server on your behalf. Please contact us for more information.

Who can use this service

  • Faculty

  • Staff

  • IT Support Staff

How to request this service

For MySQL requests, contact: IST-Unix@rt.uwaterloo.ca

For Microsoft SQL requests, contact: rt-IST-ISC-iApps@rt.uwaterloo.ca

Support for this service

For MySQL requests, contact: IST-Unix@rt.uwaterloo.ca

For Microsoft SQL requests, contact: rt-IST-ISC-iApps@rt.uwaterloo.ca


There is typically no cost for database hosting.

IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry

Service catalogue feedback

If you’d like to share any feedback about this service catalogue entry, please let us know.