Assessing a peerScholar activity

Assessing a peerScholar activity

This article contains the steps required to Assess a peerScholar activity.

Please note: You will see what appears to be an annotation tool bar when reviewing your peers who uploaded a file for their submission in peerScholar. Please do NOT attempt to use it to annotate files or provide feedback. The annotation tool bar is not a peerScholar function but a browser feature and any annotations added to documents will be lost. peerScholar is planning to introduce annotation functionality for uploaded files in the future and this message will be removed or updated when annotation tools are available in peerScholar. Until that time, please download files and annotate in the files using native tools like MS Word (for .docx files) or Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat (for PDF).

  1. To assess a peer’s work, access your peerScholar activity and click on the green Assess box.


  2. On the assess page, watch and read the video or other provided instructions then click “Let’s go” once you are ready to begin assessing a peer’s work.

    let's go assess.png

  3. This will take you to the landing page where you will see the required number of peers you are expected to provide review for along the top of the page.

  4. Enter the grades or comments for each peer on the right hand panel of your peerScholar page. Once you have entered a score or comment for the peer, you will see the Save & Continue option. After clicking on the Save & Continue button for Peer 1, you will be moved automatically to the next Peer you have been assigned. Repeat the process until you have provided feedback for each Peer you have been assigned.


  1. After you have completed your review of each peer and have clicked the Save & Continue button for the last peer, it will grey out and the Submit button at the top will be available for you to submit all the peer reviews you have provided.

  2. Clicking the Submit button will return you to the main activity page. If your peers have provided you with feedback, you will see this on the Reflect Phase.


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