Adding the peerScholar link to your LEARN content page

Adding the peerScholar link to your LEARN content page

This article contains the steps required to add the peerScholar LTI link to you LEARN content page.

  1. Click on the Content link in your course.

  2. From the Content page, click on the Add a module and enter the module title to create a module page.

    image of a LEARN content page with the Add a module and content links highlighted in a red box.

  3. Once you have created a module page, click on the Existing Activities dropdown menu and scroll through the list to see peerScholar 1.3. (Deep Link).

    Image of a LEARN content page with the Existing Activities and peerScholar 1.3 Deep link highlighted with a red box

  4. After you select peerScholar 1.3. (Deep Link) from the list of options a peerScholar window will open where you will enter a title for your peerScholar activity and can include a description. Click Create Activity to add the peerScholar link to the page.

    Image of a peerScholar pop-up window with the Title filed highlighted with a red box around it

  5. After you click Create Activity to save the link you will be returned to the content module page where you will see a link with the name of the Activity you provided.

    image of a LEARN content page with the added peerScholar activity highlighted in red

  6. To configure your activity click on the Activity link added to your content page, this will take you into peerScholar where you can select the Activity Type you want to use and apply the appropriate settings.


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