Usage limits for Exchange (Connect) email

Usage limits for Exchange (Connect) email

Why do we need limits?

We need these limits to keep the email server running at its optimal performance.Notes about managing your email account size:

  • You should try to keep your Inbox and Sent Items folders small in size and in number of items.

  • Academic Support units have a 10GB quota on the entire mailbox, which includes all folders (for optimal performance on the client side - usually Outlook in Academic Support).

  • Exchange accounts for people in areas outside of Academic Support currently have 50GB storage limits set on their mailboxes 

  • You will receive an email warning if you reach your quota

  • You won’t be able to send messages if you reach 9.8 GB

  • 25MB size limit on individual email message including attachments in or out.

    • When using the Scan to Email feature on Xerox printer-copiers, scan larger documents in smaller segments to avoid exceeding the limit.

    • For an attachment larger than 25MB, use Sendit.

  • 30-day limit on Spam or Junk mail before automatically deleting (sending to the trash).

  • 30-day limit on Deleted message (empty the trash).

  • 30-day retention of deleted messages (messages emptied from the trash but still recoverable by an Outlook user).

To check your quota and mailbox space used, please see: How can I check my quota and my mailbox space used?

What if I need to keep more mail than the allowed limit?

You may want to archive mail if you reach your quota or if you want to keep some older mail indefinitely. You can manually back up and archive items to a location that you specify (a CD or network drive).

  • Log in to Outlook Web App (OWA)

  • On the File menu, click Archive

  • Select the Archive this folder and all subfolders option, and then select the folder that you want to archive items from

  • Specify a date under Archive items older than

  • Under Archive file, click Browse to specify a location (preferably a network drive that is backed up)

  • Click OK

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