Guidelines for Attribute use

Entering titles

  • Titles of images should be brief and descriptive. They should be written to aid a person looking at a thumbnail of the image to decide whether to download the full image.

  • For titles of an image with a named person, indicate at least the name in the description and their role or position at the university: faculty, student, staff, etc.

  • If there are two persons in the image, use both names in the title. When there are many people, do not use the names of the individuals. Instead, create a descriptive name for the group. If one or two persons of prominence such as guests of honor, dignitaries, or a Dean are shown at the center of attention before a larger crowd, then it is only necessary to identify those persons.

  • Named persons should be listed by full First Name and Last Name. Do not use nicknames or degrees.

  • There may be a situation when including the names of people in photo are not important and can be omitted; an operator should use her/his judgment.

  • Use short conjunctions (and, in, with, one, for, at, against).

  • To formulate a title, try to answer the main question: who or what is on the photograph. If "Who?" next question should be "Doing what?" You can add more details in "Description".

Category selection

The categories almost always have subcategories, and some of subcategories have sub- subcategories. To be sure that the most appropriate category was selected, please check all three levels:

  1. Open the list of 11 most broad categories, check if any of them matches your content. If yes -- add.

  2. Having the first category added look at subcategories. For example:under "people" we have a list of 14 subcategories: students, alumni, faculty member and so on. If any of this subcategory matches better to your content than the broader one "people" -- select and add it. If not -- leave whatever was chosen from upper level (broader) categories.

  3. Check if any subcategories of the 3rd level are still available: for example, for "student" we have subcategories: "co-op", "continued", "graduate", etc. If any of these categories is more appropriate, select and add it. If not -- leave whatever was chosen from upper level (broader) categories. There is a maximum of 3 levels for categories.

Current Waterloo Photos attributes







*File or file name

Coded name of a resource from original source, e.g. Pod_E5_RWU6441.jpg

Must be configured before uploading.

Naming convention should follow format:

Department abbreviation-description-date-sequential number-file extension


Allows image to be rotated, if necessary.

Use as required.


A word, a group of words, or short, informative phrase, which names a picture. Usually it answers questions: What? or Who?

Use your filename or create your own title* if a filename doesn't have appropriate content. If there are any names (personal, corporate or meeting) associated with the image, make sure that they will be mentioned somewhere in the record: it may be title, location, categories, description or keywords.

Don't use Project/Publication title (some exceptions apply).


Brief summary or abstract of the content of the image. Provides context and insight into the main topic.

Often answering questions: Where? When? Why? How?

Use sentence form.

Do not repeat image title.

Caption used/to be used when published

Use if the ‘Asset used in publication’ box has been checked.

Enter the caption that associated the asset in the publication.

The description field should not be the same as the asset’s caption.

Project ID

Tag assets with a project ID to assist with search or relating assets

Add if applicable


Controlled list of terms indicating the subject of the resource.

There are 3 levels in categories; use the most specific**.

Those selected will appear in sidebar.

Names/Name picker

A person or organization that is the subject of the image. 

Use personal names from Keyword Chooser, if available. If not, follow Waterloo Style Guide recommendations.

Use Organizational Units category to supply UW corporate names.

Use Description attribute or keywords to supply meetings (such as conferences, summits, seminars) and other names.


Uncontrolled list of general keywords suitable for searching purposes.

Enter as a list of words, separated by comma.

Do not repeat words from title or description.


Name of a place associated with the image.

If location is available in Building & Spaces category, apply it.

If not (e.g. non-campus events), supply a location name.


Time period associated with the image entered as YYYY.

Supply appropriate information. Used mostly for historical images.


Photographer name/affiliation or Staff or Unknown as necessary (e.g. old asset).

Field may populate automatically. If not, supply appropriate details.

Photo credit

If a photo credit is required, enter the specific text to use here.

Enter photo credit text as required.

Model release form

A photographer permission for a resource usage.

Signed originals can be requested from asset owner.

*Access Levels

Use to determine which org units and access levels (sub-org unit groups) the image belongs to. Use to provide access to the asset to selected org units/access levels.

Expand org units to view access levels.

Those selected will appear in sidebar.

Always select your own org unit's appropriate access level when uploading the asset. You may also select other org units/access levels to share the asset with (based on your permissions).

*Date created

Date on which the image was first created (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss) e.g. 10/29/2014 12:22:33

Field may populate automatically. If not, supply appropriate details.


Available print resolution, file size. E.g. 1.52MB; 3888 x 2592 pixels; 329 x 219 mm (print at 300 DPI); 1029 x 686 mm (screen at 96 DPI).

Supplied automatically. Only visible when viewing an uploaded asset.

Embedded GPS metadata

May be supplied automatically if available on camera.

If included (with image or added at upload), users will be able to view image location on a map, and/or search for images within a specific area.

*Active Status

Used to indicate the status of the image.

Select from Active, Inactive, or Expired depending on how the asset should display within the system (e.g. published, unpublished/unavailable, or expired).

Activation Date and Expiry Date would be used to set parameters around the status of the asset.

Activation Date

Image will be available from this date (MM/DD/YYYY).

Make an image available on a specific date (after it was first uploaded to the system).

Expiry Date

Image will be unavailable (or expired) from this date (MM/DD/YYYY).

Make an image unavailable on a specific date.

Campaign asset has been used for

Track campaigns/publications this asset has been used for.

Enter campaign details for reference.

Promoted or featured item

Check appropriate boxes if image should appear under Promoted section of home page, and/or as a Featured image.

Available to Super Admin only.

Featured images will appear as home page banner and will rotate if more than one image is marked as featured.

Review this asset

Use to set date asset should be reviewed.

Asset should be reviewed for relevancy and considered for deletion if no longer relevant, popular, being used.

Consider adding asset to Waterloo's archival system

Used to track assets that may be considered for addition to the University’s official archival system.

Check the ‘Yes’ box if you would like the asset to be considered.

Note: a process for reviewing and approving marked assets will be developed.

*Submit action

Users can:

Submit image to live

Submit for approval

Do not submit yet

Select desired action.

Action available will depend on user permissions.

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