Troubleshooting - OneDrive won't Open
If you are unable to start OneDrive it may be because the "Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage" setting was enabled in your O365 account. You might notice that no synchronization of files occurs, and no error message is displayed. The fix is to reverse the setting with the following steps:
Important: These steps must be done with administrator privileges and require knowledge of how to edit the Registry. Registry changes can cause problems if not done correctly. Please contact your IT support staff for assistance if you do not have administrator privileges, or do not have experience making Registry changes.
Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDriveChange the following key:
DisableFileSyncNGSC = 1
DisableFileSyncNGSC = 0Then open OneDrive