Groups - Students
Table Of Contents:
Accessing the Group tool
From the Connect menu in the course navigation bar, select Groups.
Finding your Group members
After accessing the Groups tool, you will see a list of groups you have been enrolled in. Click on the number under the Members column to see the names of the students in your group.
You may also see group dropboxes and/or discussions that are associated with your group.
There may be other restrictions controlling access to the dropboxes and discussions, so clicking on the link may result in an error message.
Self-enrolling in a Group
Your course may have self-enroll groups.
Click on View Available Groups to see the list of group categories that you are able to self-enroll in.
You can see how many people are currently enrolled in a group by looking at the Members column. If you click on a number in this column you can review who is enrolled in the group.
Click the Join Group link beside the group name you want to enroll in.
Once you have successfully enrolled yourself in the group, the group category will show up under My Groups.
You will also be able to switch groups if it is before the Self-Enrollment Expiry Date set by your instructor. To leave your existing group, click on the Leave Group link. You will then be able to join a different group within that group category.
Emailing your Group members
From the Groups page, under My Groups, find the group you would like to email.
In the column under the Email heading, click on the envelope icon.
When the message window opens, include a Subject and compose the body of your message.
Add any attachments you would like to include with your message.
In the bottom left corner, click Save as Draft if you would like to finish your message later or click Send if your message is ready.
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Contact LEARNhelp at or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.
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