Account Administration
Create administrator account
Individual administrator accounts should be created for each LI that manages the machine.
Login to the machine with the ece-li-admin account.
Add the new user account:
sudo adduser <username> --disabled-password --gecos ""
Enter any relevant information for the user account.
Add the user to the sudo group:
sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>
To test the new account, logout and log back in using the new user account.
SSH key authentication
The preferred method of authenticating users for accessing the system is through the use of SSH keys. The user generates their own key pair and sends the public key portion to the server administrator for enabling the account.
Create administrator account
Create administrator account using instructions above.
User .ssh folder
Setup the user SSH folder.
Create the folder and set folder access privileges such that the user owns the folder.
sudo mkdir /home/username/.ssh sudo chmod 700 /home/username/.ssh sudo chown username:username /home/username/.ssh
Creating SSH key pair
The user being authenticated needs to generate the key pair. It is the responsibility of the user to secure and keep secret the secret key portion of the key pair.
From a terminal, generate the SSH key pair.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Confirm the output filename of the key files. This can be changed to modify the location where the key files will be created and the name of the files.
Optionally, enter a passphrase if one is desired. Confirm passphrase, if one is used.
This will generate two files, a private key file (e.g.,
) and a public key file (e.g.,~/.ssh/
Add public key
On the server, the public key needs to be added to a file called authorized_keys
within the user’s .ssh folder.
Create or open the
file.sudo nano /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
Copy and append the text of the public key file into the
file.Exit and save the
file.Set the rights to this file to 600 (owner read and write only).
sudo chmod 600 /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo chown username:username /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
Remove requirement for password
By default the user will still be prompted for a password when attempting to use sudo
. To remove this requirement, use visudo
.sudo visudo
Find the sudo group entry. It will look like the following:
Add a no-password rule:
your_username ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
If you wish to remove the sudo password requirement for all users:
and save by pressingCTRL+X
, thenY
, and thenENTER
Local config file for quick SSH login
file.sudo nano ~/.ssh/config
Add entry for server. For example,
Host openedx-01 Hostname User d24lau IdentityFile /Users/d24lau/.ssh/id_rsa_d24lau_01
Exit and save.
Load the key into the SSH Agent. For example,
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa_d24lau_01 ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_d24lau_01
Remove password
If an account was enabled with a password, but now the password is to be removed (i.e. for SSH key access only):
sudo passwd -l <username>