Ubuntu Server Installation

Ubuntu Server Installation

Wipe off the USB drive




  • Insert the USB drive.

  • Open Terminal.

  • Find the location of the USB drive:

    • Type in the following command to list all the drives. This should show a listing of the different drives.

      diskutil list
    • Find your USB drive in the list (it will be something like /dev/diskX (external, physical) where X is the number assigned to your USB drive. Look at the size of the drive to verify that it is the correct drive.

  • Before erasing, you may need to unmount the drive. Replace X with the correct disk number (e.g., /dev/disk2).

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX
  • Erase the drive:

    • Use the following command to completely erase the USB drive and remove all partitions. This will erase everything, so be sure you have selected the correct disk.

      sudo diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 NEWNAME MBRFormat /dev/diskX
    • Replace NEWNAME with the name you want to assign to the USB drive, and replace diskX with the correct disk number. You can also change the file system type (FAT32, APFS, etc.) and partition scheme (MBRFormat for BIOS systems or GPT for UEFI systems) if needed.

    • For example,

      sudo diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 UBUNTU_SERV MBRFormat /dev/disk2



Image the USB drive




  • Enter the password for an account with administrator privileges in order to authorize the installation.

  • The installation of the image will take about 5 minutes, depending on the speed of the USB drive.



Install Ubuntu Server

  • Insert the Ubuntu Server install USB drive into the computer.

  • Boot the computer from the USB drive.

  • Server configuration settings:

    • Select language: English

    • Do not update to new installer - Continue without updating

    • Keyboard layout

      • Layout: English (US)

      • Variant: English (US)

    • Type of installation: Ubuntu Server

    • Network configuration: use MAC address to register IP address in IPAM

    • Verify that mirror location passed tests.

    • Guided storage configuration:

      • Use an entire disk: checked

      • Set up this disk as an LVM group: checked

    • Storage configuration:

      • Set ubuntu-lv to use maximum available storage.

    • Profile configuraion:

      • Your name: ECE LI Admin

      • You servers name: match DNS address entered in IPAM

      • Pick a username: ece-li-admin

      • Choose a password: use the standard password for the ece-li-admin account

    • Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro: Skip for now

    • Install OpenSSH server: checked

  • After installation, select Reboot now

  • You may be prompted to remove the installation medium and press ENTER.

    • Remove the USB drive from the computer.

    • Press ENTER.

Proxy server

Access to the public Internet using a proxy server can be setup during the installation process. For manual setup:

  • Edit the /etc/environment file.

  • Add the following lines to the environment file:

    http_proxy="http://ecserv8.uwaterloo.ca:3128" https_proxy="http://ecserv8.uwaterloo.ca:3128"

Standard packages

Install the following packages.

  • net-tools - For ifconfig.

Setup administrators accounts

The ece-li-admin account should not be used regularly. Create individual accounts for each administrator.

Account Administration | Create administrator account