Subscribe to Bulletin Board alerts
Subscribe to Bulletin Board alerts
To be notified when someone adds a post to the Bulletin Board:
Open Google Chrome and go to https://uofwaterloo.sharepoint.com/sites/CampusWellness/IFAS/Lists/BulletinBoard/
Click the area just to the right of edit this list to display the Items / List tabs.
Click the List tab to open it.
Click Alert Me and then choose Set alert on this list.
In the window that opens, enter a title for the alert (e.g., Bulletin Board - new item created).
Choose if you want to be notified by e-mail or text message.
Select New items are added so you only get notified about new posts.
Scroll down and choose when you want to receive alerts (e.g., immediately, daily, weekly).Click OK. Now you’ll be notified when a new post is created in the Bulletin Board.
, multiple selections available,