Returned Assets

Returned Assets

For Loans that are Returned

  1. Find the loaned laptop that was returned

    1. If you don’t have the asset number, go to Dashboard tab located at the top to look for it.

  2. Change Status as “Returned to ACO”.

  3. Remove User ID by clicking the X, this should prevent the asset from showing up in the user’s list of assets.

  4. Remove guest account and create a new one on the returned device.

    1. Verbally inform and confirm with the requestor that you are removing the guest account from the returned device and their files will not be saved. This ensures they know that once they leave any files they forgot will be gone.

  5. The device will only need to be re-imaged if there is an OS issue (malware installed, crashing, etc.).

  6. Click Update located at the bottom.

    Update button


See Returned Equipment and Surplus Workflow documentation for more information on guidelines in setting returned assets to “Spare” or “Surplus”.