Spare Assets

Spare Assets

Spare assets are kept in the case of a member of Arts needing a computer on a short time notice. For instance, they may need an emergency laptop to use if theirs is down. Spare needs to be periodically checked to make sure they are in good condition and are ready to go.

For computers or laptops spares that are joined to the active directory are indicated by the domain field having the value “NEXUS”

How to add spare assets

  1. Click on Spare Assets in the application menu.

  2. Type the Asset No or Serial No of the asset you are setting as spare, then press the TAB key

3. Depending on the asset category additional fields will be displayed, try to provide as much detail as possible.



The category for repair and warranty takes care of the assets that need repairing. The warranty guarantees that for a specific period of time after loaning the asset, any damages that may happen will be fixed or replaced by the vendors.

Returned to vendor

The return to vendor concept is after the use of an asset by the client. The loan time has completed.

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