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Curriculums are like classes; they consist of courses, meetings, and virtual classrooms with the purpose of teaching the enrollees about a particular subject. Curriculums can have prerequisites and Test-Out items added to the requirements. A curriculum is, essentially, an online course because the enrollees must finish all requirements to pass the class.

Learn to:

  • ​Create a curriculum
  • Set self-enrollment
  • Add requirements to a curriculum
  • Designate prerequisites and test-outs
  • Update a curriculum

Create a curriculum

Training list. There is a line of buttons near the bottom including, New Curriculum, New Course, New Virtual Classroom, New Folder, Delete, Up One Level and Move.

  1. Go to the Training tab and select My Training.
  2. Select New Curriculum and name the curriculum. It is optional to give the curriculum a curriculum ID, custom URL, summary, or start and end dates.
  3. Select Next; if there is existing content, virtual classrooms, or meetings that need to be added to the curriculum, then add them here; if not select Next and then Finish.

Set self-enrollment

Put a curriculum in the training catalog:

Curriculums can be put in the training catalog so that anyone can enroll in the curriculum.

  1. Go to the Training tab.
  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired curriculum.
  3. Select Training Catalog Settings in the navigation bar (Figure Two).
  4. Check the box beside List in Training Catalog for Learner Self-Enrolment.
  5. It can be set up that they need manager approval or that enrolment is open.
  6. Select Display in Training Catalog and put the curriculum in a folder.
  7. Select OK and Save.

Add requirements to a curriculum

  1. Go to the Training tab, navigate to, and select the name of the desired curriculum.
  2. In the top left select Add Item (Figure Two), select the kind of item to add (Content, Course, etc), select the name of the item, and Add.

If the content is added it will automatically be added as a course and will be put under the curriculum’s resources folder in My Training under the Training tab.

Prerequisites and Test-outs

Set prerequisites for requirements:

  1. Go to the Training tab.
  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired curriculum.
  3. On the left side select the item that needs a prerequisite.
  4. Select Edit beside Prerequisites in the new screen and it will give a list of all the items that are ranked higher than the item selected which can be made prerequisites.
  5. Choose required, suggested, or hidden for the prerequisite. Required means the prerequisite must be completed successfully before attempting the next item. Suggested means the prerequisite is optional. Hidden means that the item does not appear to the enrollee until they have completed the prerequisite.

Set Test-Outs for requirements:

  1. Go to the Training tab.
  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired curriculum.
  3. On the left side select the item that needs a test-out.
  4. Select Edit beside Test-Outs in the new screen and it will provide a list of all the items that are ranked higher than the item selected and can be made test-outs.
  5. Choose blocked, optional, or hidden. Blocked means if an enrollee passes the test-out then this item is locked, but if they do not pass the test-out then this item becomes available. Optional means the enrollee only has to pass one of the items but can do both. Hidden means if an enrollee passes the test-out then this item is hidden, but if they do not pass the test-out then this item becomes available.

Need Help?

Contact the IST Service Desk at or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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