Adding a shared mailbox in Outlook online (web browser) - Instructions for M365 Shared Mailboxes

Adding a shared mailbox in Outlook online (web browser) - Instructions for M365 Shared Mailboxes


For the up-to-date instructions, please visit How to access shared account in a browser - users with M365 email accounts


To access your shared account via a web browser directly:

  1. Use the following URL, where “sharedaccount” is the username of the account, https://outlook.office.com/mail/sharedaccount@uwaterloo.ca/

  2. Log in with your personal 8-character UWaterloo username@uwaterloo.ca and password

To add the mailbox to your Outlook account

  1. Log in to https://portal.office.com with your personal 8-character UWaterloo username @uwaterloo.ca (i.e. myusernam@uwaterloo.ca) and password. Then click on the Outlook icon from the left navigation panel.

2. Right-click Folders from the left navigation panel and then choose/click on Add shared folder from the menu presented.


3. Enter either the name of the shared mailbox or its username and click Add. In this example, the name of the shared mailbox is Shared Account and its username is sharenam@uwaterloo.ca.
(As you complete this field, a list of suggested account names will display. )

4. The account name will then appear in the list of mail folders/boxes:

Do you need to send email from the shared mailbox address? See Sending email messages from a Shared Mailbox - Outlook online (web browser)

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