Assign granular Web form results access (WCMS 2)

How to add Granular form results access


Site managers with Form editor permission can now give users permission to view the results for specific web forms. Users must first be added to the People list as a UWaterloo user or an external user (Note: no roles need to be assigned to these users) as the "List of users" will auto-populate with users from the site's People list.


  1. From the Webform tab select the Form settings sub-tab.

  2. Configure the webform results access permissions under Results access.

    1. Normal access will allow only users with the Form results access role to view the form results:

    2. Normal access with additional specific user access
      will allow users with the Form results access role AND users with the
      user accounts specified in the list to view the form results:

    3. Specific user access only will allow only users with the user accounts specified in the list to view the form results:

  3. Save configuration.