Conditional rules (WCMS 2)

Conditional rules (WCMS 2)

How to use conditional rules


Allows a user to control whether a form component displays based on the value of a previous component.

Conditional rules can be added on each component or on a page break to control whether or not that component or page appears.

Adding Conditional rules to a Web form

For example, you may apply a rule so that when ‘Website feedback’ is selected on the Contact us form, the Message field appears.

When adding a conditional rule to a component you will need to know (or confirm) the key that is associated with the value you are applying the rule to. For select options, the default keys for options are numbers starting with 1 for the first option, but these keys can be changed in the select options field settings.

  1. From the Webform tab click the Conditionals button.

  2. Click the  button to add a new conditional rule.

    1. In the dropdown to the left of If, select I am contacting Zoology about.

    2. Enter 4 in the empty field at the end of the line.

    3. After then, select show in the first dropdown and Message in the second dropdown.

  3. Note the key associated with ‘Website feedback’.

Note: key values are case sensitive.

Note: if a required field is hidden by a conditional rule, it will no longer be required.

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