Scholar: How to import publications from PubMed

Scholar: How to import publications from PubMed

When importing from PubMed, a list of publications must be available. For this how-to, a search of University of Waterloo was used.

  1. Create a list of publications on the PubMed website.

  2. Select the publications to be exported. This can be all the publications or just selecting a few.

  3. Click on the down arrow, next to the Send to.

  4. Click on File and select XML from Format.

  5. Click on Create File, and save file.

  6. On your UWaterloo Scholar site, hover (don't click) your mouse above the Content menu toolbar.

  7. Click Publications from the Import menu.

  8. Click Browse and navigate to where you stored the file from Step #5. Click Open.

  9. Select the File Type to be PubMed XML (or other desired file type).

  10. Click Import.

  11. Import will start.

  12. Once import has finished, report is displayed with the number of imports completed. Newly import publications can now be viewed from Publications menu on homepage.