Move-It Sync Up


  • Keyon Jerome

  • Austin Huang

  • Meshva Desai


  • Purpose of this meeting is to develop an approach towards integrating Move-It

Questions to Answer

  • How does a user send commands to Move-It? Does Move-It handle this natively or do we need to create it ourselves

    • I.e. if we wanted to go to certain arm configurations or set certain control speeds for the arm, how would this happen?

  • How important are mass properties in the URDF? (For collision detection and general IK stuff)

  • Do we want to use just the IK solver or also the path planner?

    • A) Both for the time being to get a platform working. Once we have a moving arm, we can develop our own path planner to better suit our needs if necessary

  • Can we use a physically controller to interface with MoveIt and control a gazebo/rviz sim?

    • A) yes.

    • What controller do we want to use? Xbox as a starting point → will likely be janky and hard to control but a starting point is a starting point

Next Steps


  • Generate a simple URDF

  • Get a good URDF up and running once mass issue is resolved


  • Go through URDF and SRDF tutorials for MoveIt

  • Add safety limits to velocity in URDF and SRDF stuff

    • Need proper values at some point for physical arm

  • Integrate with Ros2 control

  • Try building it in Gazebo and sending direction commands to control URDF


Arm Team - First Pass Thoughts

  • Mechanical:

    • Probably need two members (ideally 3)

  • Software:

    • Led by Keyon

    • Meshva planning to continue working on Arm

    • 2 additional students

  • Electrical:

    • Probably need two members (ideally 3)

  • Firmware: