2021-09-16 Meeting Minutes - Drivetrain

10 Days until Prototyping Conclusion!

→ Wrap-up meeting, next Sunday 7pm ET (Sept. 26th)?


  • Review prototyping progress
  • Introduce new member?
  • Discuss & assign bonding prototyping
  • Discuss budget plan for Drivetrain

Current State of Progress & Action Items


  • Mechanical assembly
    • Changes successfully made to make more robust
      • Upgraded bearing plates to have more mounting holes, added loctite to gearbox mounting screws, replaced wood screws with 1 1/4" long screws around the motor
      • Added horizontal support beams to stiffen pegboard
      • Deflated the tires slightly so that we could bring the hubs closer together, adding more clearance between the wheel and the frame
      • Mounted controls board
    • To do still:
      • Bring Wheelez to an equal pressure → borrow Medina's bike pump!
      • Assemble the legs back on the chassis
      • Print battery and weight holders, add to bottom layer of chassis
      • Cut and add wheel treads
      • Create & fabricate attachments to keep differential bar in place

    • Learnings so far:
      • Flexing in EVERY joint
        • Should minimize wiggle by having press-fit bearings/bushings secured with Loctite or glue
        • Research other rover designs or other methods in general for stiff – but still flexible – rocker-bogies
      • Weight of motors in the current position is also causing some bending of the legs
      • Definitely use metal spacers or more robust plastic spacers for the final drivetrain
  • Wiring/Controls
    • All but sensor connections are completed
    • To do still:
      • Update motor assignment in code
      • Plug in motors
      • Wire up the current sensors to the ADC and Raspberry Pi
      • Debug current collection
      • Click to add a new task...

Update & Action Items



Action Items

Emily Adam (Differential bar)

  • Mechanical fixes and wiring corrections to prototype
  • Made hard stops for the differential
  • Read over some rocker-bogie papers
  • Started looking into motors
  • Testing testing testing!
  • Going through current data, comparing to our calculations
  • Finish motor candidate list
  • Read more papers. Looking for guidance and learnings from designing rocker-bogies
  • Buy sample carbon fibre → work on mech budget
Former user (Deleted) (Wheel connections)
  • Set up ANSYS for Karan but then Karan left... sadge
  • Did some research into connections (from SAR videos) and got some inspiration for my designs
  • Motors in wheels? 😳
  • Sketches and rough CAD
  •  Figuring out antenna specifics with Farris
  •  Creating mounting plates for mechanisms
  • Edits to chassis, make stiffer, verify with quick FEA calcs
  • Stalled by antenna specifics and gimbal 😳

Former user (Deleted) (Frame/structure)

  •  Mechanical reassembly
  • Printing holders & fixtures
  •  Random drivetrain stuff
  • CAD for frame
  • CAD CF connection piece