Points of Interest

These pages are WIP as we transition, update, and publish more documentation.

Points of Interest

What is it?

  1. poi/shuttlestops
  2. poi/fireppits
  3. poi/retailservices
  4. poi/bookstores

Endpoints containing data of Shuttle stops on campus and Fire-pits on campus, book stores and retail services on campus. . 

Where does it come from?

There are two different datasets : 

Shuttlestops : dataset/poi/shuttle_stops_on_campus.csv

Fire-pits : dataset/poi/fire_pits.csv

Retail Services : dataset/poi/retail_services.csv (collcetd data using http://www.retailservices.uwaterloo.ca/home.html and walking around campus gathering the coordinates)

Book Stores : dataset/poi/book_stores.csv (collcetd data  walking around campus gathering the coordinates)

What processing do we do?

Simply got data from the dataset and displayed it in the endpoint. 

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