These pages are WIP as we transition, update, and publish more documentation.
Common Issues and Fixes
News / Events / Opportunities / Services API endpoints don't match WCMS sites
Likely a ping was missed or a cached data was returned to the Open Data API.
You can manually ping a single site with{type}.json?key=[api-key]&type=[type], where type is one of 'news', 'opportunities', 'blogs' or 'services'
To ping all sites, use a script like
Cron alerts on {foodservices, awards, blogs, news, events, services, etc.}
Likely an issue with WCMS. The cron only checks select sites, so a failure / success doesn't mean everything is broken / working.
Exam Schedule Issues
Script is at
Exam schedule CSVs are stored on dock (ssh ist-opnd@dock from youwaterloo@opendata-api{1,2})
Script will stop working on 2020 due to a regex match. This should be a simple fix.
Food Services: Incorrect Hours on Exceptions
Sometimes WCMS changes how dates are returned, and sometimes lies about what timezone the time is actually in. The fix is usually to adjust the Open Data API to handle these incorrect times (