Cycle 2 Goals and Order of Operations

Cycle 2 Goals and Order of Operations

Mostly from these minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1loVlXoul_vO9ZudbKJmZNC3RZ_O5y5daCOs8hbrGFr0/edit#

Things that must be done:

  • Size fins

  • Loads for airframe completed for flight design

  • Determine acceptable launch conditions

Order of Operations:

  • Research New Mexico conditions and come to early estimations of what acceptable launch conditions should be (deadline to understand general conditions should be before fin sizing starts)

    • Note look at drive and other places to start on this don't reinvent the wheel

  • Researching what is optimal for fin shape based on various speeds (deadline of before SF data is out to have general research done)

  • Collect Length and Mass data (make spreadsheet and give reminders pre christmas and then start readily collecting Jan 1 give deadline of Jan 14 to get data in)

  • Static Fire data (earliest possible is like Jan 17, 28 is like very bad month estimate from Aaron)

  • Simulate various fin geometry (researching what is optimal included) in OR and RASAero and choose fin shape and launch conditions we want to launch in (Deadline of one week after SF data is out )

  • Calculate loads (one week given simulation data so 2 weeks after SF data is out hopefully)

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