Sharing Course Outlines

Sharing Course Outlines

Sharing with Students / UW Community

The primary sharing procedure with course outlines will be sharing with students. There's a couple of options here, but the most important thing to do is make sure your course outline is published.

Published course outlines can be viewed by any authenticated UW user, that means other instructors, staff, and students.

Once published, a URL will be available with the form: https://outline.uwaterloo.ca/view/xxxxxx on the outline’s info/settings page. You can also click "View" and copy the URL from the URL bar.

Getting this URL to students can be done multiple ways:


To add your course outline to LEARN, simply create a Link Resource (make sure to check off the "External Resource" checkbox!) in your LEARN course content and paste the view URL

Via Outline.uwaterloo.ca Homepage / Search

Any student registered for your course in QUEST will automatically be able to see your published course outline on the outline.uwaterloo.ca homepage when they log in. Published outlines for all courses they have on their transcript will show up on said homepage.
Any logged-in users not registered for your course can use the search tools to

Via Link

For non-students or other requesting access to your course outline, you can simply send the view URL. Once published

Sharing with the World

If you’re interested in sharing outlines to anybody (even outside of campus) check off the global option to enable global access. With this enabled, anybody with the view URL to your outline can view it, whether they are logged in or not.

We don’t currently provide a way for unauthenticated users to get access to these URLs, so you will need to post this link on your own website or departmental pages, or send the URL over standard communications.

Sharing Edit Access

If you need to add additional editors to your course outline, first make sure it has been saved at least once, then head to the Info/Settings tab.

From here you can add additional editors. Other instructors registered in QUEST should show up for quick adding with a single click, and other users can be added by searching via their 8 character user ID.

By default, the person who creates a course outline is the only one with edit access, and any other registered instructors will have View access only.