Certificate Authority details

Certificate Authority details

The University of Waterloo/Information Systems & Technology (UW/IST) Certificate Authority issues certificates signed by GlobalSign. Host certificates are issued free of charge, with a validity period of one year.

Note: The IST-CA will not issue SSL certificates for anybody or any system not associated with the University of Waterloo. While non uwaterloo.ca domain names can have certificates issued by IST-CA, this requires a special vetting process which may require some changes made to the domain name record indicating that the domain is under the control of the University of Waterloo. Please contact the IST-CA should you have any questions about this procedure.

Self-service host certificates

We use a self-service system for issuing SSL certificates from GlobalSign. By allowing you to enter the request directly with GlobalSign, we are able to have certificates issued faster. To request a GlobalSign SSL certificate, please follow the instructions at Self-service GlobalSign TLS/SSL certificates.

If you are having difficulties with the self-service SSL certificate system, submit an email request to the UW/IST Certificate Authority email.

Personal and code-signing certificates

Part of Waterloo’s agreement with Globalsign allows for the issuance of personal certificates, for the purposes of signing and encrypting email (S/MIME). Please contact the IST-CA should you require such a certificate. These certificates are typically free of charge.

While we can also issue any code-signing certificate offered by Globalsign, as well as document signing certificates, the costs for such are typically transferred to the requestor. Please contact the IST-CA should you require assistance in obtaining such a certificate.