Log in to Mailservices
To verify an account, please use the Verify link.
Using Mailservices
Here are some useful instructions for using your Mailservices account.
How to set up a filter (e.g. redirecting mail, setting up a vacation message)
How to set up an email client (e.g. Thunderbird, Outlook, iPhone, other mobile devices)
Other useful information:
General account information
Friendly email addresses
Rather than using your WatIAM userid as your email address, you have the option of creating a friendly email address (e.g.
Security and passwords
You should never share your WatIAM password, or your email password. There are rules for creating passwords and Waterloo IT policies, standards, and guidelines.
After graduating
Students graduating after Winter 2017 will keep their Microsoft Office 365 email account. The email forwarding service that redirects email addressed to is expected to be kept in place until one year after the last day of the student's last academic term registered. The address can be changed via the WatIAM service page.
Students who graduated before Winter 2017 will continue to use their Mailservices account.