How to set up a filter

How to set up a filter

Server-side email filtering can be used to redirect email to an external address or to set up a vacation auto reply. This can be done through Mailservices using SquirrelMail interface

Campus IT groups have in the past discussed the Official Student Email Address and are proposing the following clarification:

Students should be aware that mail sent using an off-campus email address may be rejected by the recipient as it doesn't easily identify who they are. Mail sent from an off-campus email service using a uWaterloo email address may at times be rejected as well, due to spam filters. So it's safest to always use a UWaterloo email service.

Using the SquirrelMail interface to redirect email

  1. Log on to the SquirrelMail interface.​

  2. Click on Filters from the menu at the top.

  3. Click on "Add a new Rule".

  4. To redirect all emails or to setup a vacation message, select “All” from the menu highlighted.

  5. Click on “Redirect” and add the email you wish to redirect messages to. It is recommended to check “Keep a local copy as well”. If you wish to set a vacation message, please select "Vacation" and fill in the required details.

  6. Click on “Add New Rule” at the bottom.  

Your email should now be redirecting to your specified external address. If you experience any issues with the above steps, please contact the IST Service Desks

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