IT training opportunities

IT training opportunities

IT-focused training opportunities for University of Waterloo employees and students

LinkedIn Learning

What: All University of Waterloo staff, faculty and students have free, round the clock access to the LinkedIn Learning online learning platform. LinkedIn Learning provides unlimited access to over 6,000 online courses, taught by industry experts, ranging from business and photography to software development and design.

Who: Staff, faculty, students

How: More information and log in instructions are available on the LinkedIn Learning service page.

Cost: Free

IT Professional Development (ITPD) training program (previously called SEW)

What: ITPD courses teach recommended computing skills to University employees. Many of the courses are hands-on. These courses take place throughout the year and are scheduled bi-monthly. Only web-related courses are taught in July and August. ITPD courses can be offered to individual groups if there are enough participants. 

Who: Staff, faculty, graduate students

How: View current course offerings and registration details on the ITPD course brochure. Some of these courses are offered online.

Cost: Free

Skills for the Academic e-Workplace (SAW)

What: SAW currently offers Techniques for Managing Theses using Microsoft Word and RefWorks, in partnership with the Library. The course covers features and functionality of MS Word and Refworks enabling students to format their thesis quicker and more consistently, and efficiently manage their citations and create a bibliography. Past courses include LaTex for E-Thesis and Large Documents and MatLab for Scientific Computing. Past course notes are still available online for review.

Who: Graduate students

Cost: Free

What: An environment open to University of Waterloo employees and students interested in sharing experiences, ideas, best practices and lessons for managing portfolios and projects. No past experience or registration required. A Microsoft Team is also available for networking and continued learning/development.

Who: Staff, faculty, students

How: View upcoming sessions details.

Cost: Free

What: Technical and non-technical IT seminars aimed at helping to keep the Waterloo IT community informed on what’s happening across campus. Held most Friday mornings from September to June. No registration required.

Who: Staff, faculty, students

How: View upcoming seminar details.

Cost: Free

What: Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways is an on-demand, self-service solution designed to provide learning resources and videos for common Microsoft (Office) 365 applications and services including Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, and more! It also provides quick links to other IT support resources, including the IST Service Desk and Knowledge Base.

Who: Staff, faculty, students

How: Log in at https://uofwaterloo.sharepoint.com/sites/LearnMicrosoft365/

Cost: Free

What: Free, online training modules to test and build IT security and cyber awareness training. 

Who: Staff, faculty, students

How: View and participate on LEARN. 

Cost: Free

What: WatITis is a one-day conference for those involved in IT planning, support and decision-making at the University of Waterloo. It is an opportunity to see what others are doing on campus in IT, to exchange ideas, and make new contacts. WatITis is held in early December.

Who: Staff, faculty

How: View conference details and registration information on the conference website

Cost: Free

What: EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association that supports those who lead, manage, deploy, and use information technology at every level of higher education.

Who: Staff, faculty

How: More information and log-in instructions are available on the EDUCAUSE service page.

Cost: Free


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