Most commonly signed out media resources
Please visit or contact the IST Service Desk located in the Davis Centre Library to sign out a title.
Please see our online streaming resources. Note: you do not need to create an account to access these streaming resources. Read our how-to guide on Accessing streaming content in MediaNet.
Requesting physical media resources
The most commonly requested media resources can be signed out from the IST Service Desk located in the Davis Centre (DC) Library.
The remaining 9,000+ physical resources, which includes DVD’s not used in the past 24 months, and other media formats (e.g. 16mm and VHS), will be kept in storage, and may be signed out from the IST Service Desk located in the Davis Centre (DC) Library, with 24 hours’ notice.
Inter-university loan of physical resources is available with minimum two weeks' notice required to obtain materials from other universities.
Viewing media
Students can view media at the Davis Centre (DC) IT Service Desk by:
Visiting the viewing station
Located at the DC IT Service Desk
Can be used by up to 2 people
Located beside the DC IT Service Desk
Can be used by groups of 2 or more people
It is recommended that students bring their own headsets. Please note: Students are not allowed to sign out materials to take home.
Title |
12 Angry Men / Twelve Angry Men |
1917 Red Flag |
3rd World Canada |
70 Acres In Chicago: Cabrini Green |
80/20: Part 1: A Tropical Paradise |
80/20: Part 2: Interdependence |
80/20: Part 3: A Legacy Of Colonialism |
80/20: Part 4: Development & Debt |
80/20: Part 5: Where to Next? |
A Burning Question: Propaganda and The Denial of Climate Change |
A Convenient Truth: urban Soluntions from Curiti |
A Force More Powerful Episode 1 |
A Journey In The History Of Water |
A Kalahari Family Part 4: Standing Tall |
A Mind Like Mine: An Intimate Portrait Of Life |
Adlerian Play Therapy |
Advertising at The Edge of The Apocalypse |
Advertising At The End of The World |
After Life / Wandafuru Raifu |
After The Last River |
Aftermath - The Second Flood |
All About My Mother/ Todo Sobre Mi Madre |
Amazing Planet: Vol 1: Born of FIre: Ocean Rea |
Amelie |
American Courtesans |
An American Nile |
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power |
An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warming |
Anak |
Anthropocene |
Arborite Housedress |
Architekture Des Untergangs / The Architecture |
Arctic Ice |
Atanarjuat, The Fastest Runner |
Attack Of The Mutants: Will Genetic Doping Replace Steroids |
Attention Defficit Disorder: Odd Kid Out |
Aushwitz: The Nazis & The FInal Solution 1: |
Ayn Rand & The Prophecy Of Atlas Shrugged |
Beau Travel |
Bending The Arc |
Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis / Welcome to The Sticks |
Billionaire's Tea Party |
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life |
Bite Size |
Bitter Seeds |
Black Gold |
Black Skin, White Mask: Frantz Fanon |
Bloodlines The DNA Dilemma |
Brokeback Mountain |
Buddha In The Land Of The Kami |
Bullied: You're Not Alone: Cyberbullying |
Buying Sex/ Sexe A Vendre |
Campaign Of Hate: Russia and Gay Propaganda |
Cannibalism In The Canyon |
Cave In The Snow |
Charlemagne and The Holy Roman Empire |
Chasing Ice |
Chekist |
China Blue |
Circles |
Citizen Jane: Battle For The City |
Citizenfour |
Class Dismissed: How TV Frames The Working Class |
Climate Skeptics: The Climate War |
Code: Debugging The Gender Gap |
Codes of Gender: Identity and Performance In Po |
Cognitive Behavioral Child Therapy |
Cold War Disc 2 |
Collared |
Coming of Age |
Commisar |
Constructing The Terrorist Threat |
Consumed: Inside The Belly Of The Beast |
Consumerism and The Limits To Imagination |
Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childh |
Contagion |
Continuous Journey |
Cowboys & Indians: The Killing of JJ Harper |
Dal Puri Diaspora |
Daughters of Dolma |
Death Note |
Death: A Series About Life: Episode 1: The Phys |
Death: A Series About Life: Episode 2: Life After |
Death: A Series About Life: Episode 3: The Crea |
Death: A Series About Life: Episode 4: The Mark |
Deliverance |
Departures / Okuribito |
Designing Healthy Communities, Episode 1: Retro |
Designing Healthy Communities, Episode 2: Rebui |
Die Wannseekonferenz/ The Wannsee Conference |
Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning The Interner Against Democracy |
Disobedience |
DNA: Pandora's Box |
Don't Grow Old |
Downfall |
Dysfunctional Societies: Why Inequality Matters |
e2 Design Season 2: The Economics of Being En |
Earth Revealed: Disc 2 - Programs 7 -12 |
East/ West |
Eggsploitation |
Employment Matters |
Employment Matters Too |
Enemies Of Happiness |
Evaporating Borders |
Everything Is Relatives |
Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew |
Fabulous: The Story of Queer Cinema |
Farewell Oak Street |
Fearless Mountain: Life Through The Eyes of Ame |
Fellini's Satyricon |
Filty Cities Part 3: Industrial New York |
Finding Dawn / A La Recherche De Dawn |
Finding The Freeman |
Fire |
Fire In The Blood |
Firsthand: Road to Mercy |
Firsthand: The War At Home |
Fix, The Story of An Addicted City |
Flight from Death: The Quest For Immortality |
Flintknapping |
Food Chains: The Revolution in America's Fields |
Food Chains: The Revolution in America's Fields [Spanish] |
Food Evolution |
Footprints In The Delta |
Fractured Land |
Free Trade: 10 Years Later |
From The Mouths of Children |
Future Baby |
Gamer Revolution Part 1 |
Gamer Revolution Part 2 |
Garbage Dreams |
Gattaca |
Gender And Communication: Male - Female Difference |
Generation Like |
Ghost In Your Genes |
Gilbane Gold |
Girls Rising |
Gladiator |
Globalization at A Crossroads |
God's Army |
Godzilla/ Gojira |
Going Clear: Scientology & The Prison Of Belief |
Good Bye Lenin |
Good Fortune |
Google Baby |
Grace, Milly, Lucy: Child Soldiers |
Gringo Trails |
Groupthink 2e |
Growing Change: A Journey Inside Venezuela's |
Growing Up Canadian: Family |
GTFO: Get The Fuck Out |
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone |
Healing River |
Highway to Cyberia |
Hija De La Laguna/ Daughters of The Lake |
Home Safe: Resource on Family Homelessness & Poverty |
Homosexuality: A Religious Perspective |
Hot Rocks: Episode 5: Water |
How to Steel $500 Million |
How To Survive A Plague |
I, Daniel Blake |
Ikiru / To Live |
Imaging Home |
In Bed With an Elephant |
In Her Own Time |
In Jesus' Name: Shattering The Silence of St A |
In Our Hands: Seeding Change |
In Our Own Backyard: The First Love Canal |
In Search of History: Rome's Glorious Cities |
In Search of International justice |
In The Mind Of The Architect, Part 1: Keeping The Faith |
In The Mood For Love / Hua Yang Nian Hua |
Incendies |
Inside Job |
Inside The Dark Web |
Into Eternity: A Film For The Future |
Invisible City |
Iron Ladies Of Liberia |
It Was Rape |
Ivory Tower |
Jane Elliot: The Angry Eye |
Japan Project: Made In America |
Japan The Living Tradition: Early Japan Part 1 |
Japan's Peace Constitution |
Je Tu ll Elle |
Ju-On |
Judgement At Nuremberg / Jugement A Nuremberg |
Julius Caesar's Rome Volume 2 |
Just Charlie |
Just In Time: An Introduction To Production Ma |
Keita: The Heritage Of The Griot |
King Corn: You Are What You Eat |
Kitaro |
Kuroneko |
Kwadacha By The River |
La Vie En Rose / La Mome |
Laramie Inside Out |
Last Men In Aleppo |
Last Yeat At Marienbad |
Life and Debt |
Life is Beautiful |
Life of Brian |
Life, Animated |
Lindisfarne Gospels |
Liquid Assets: The Story of Our Water Infrastructure |
Lost Kingdom Of The Maya |
Lost Rivers |
Man and Nature |
Manufactured Landscapes |
Master of None Season 1 |
Medieval London (1066-1500) |
Medieval Siege |
MEMS: Making Micro Machines |
Minority Report |
Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters |
Moonlight |
Mullholland's Dream |
Murderers Are Among Us |
Mushi-Shi Disc 1 |
Mushi-Shi Disc 2 |
Mushi-Shi Disc 3 |
Mushi-Shi Disc 4 |
My Perestroika |
Nano Technology: The World Beyond Micro |
New Muslim Cool |
Night & Fog |
No End In Sight |
No Place Called Home |
No Price Too High - Disc 1 |
No Room In Paradise |
Nuclear Savage: The Islands Of Secret Project 4 |
Occupy Love |
On Life's Terms: Mothers In Recovery |
Once I Was A Beehive |
Once Upon a Time In The West |
Onmyoji |
Oracle at Delphi |
Our Daily Bread/ Unser Taglich Brot |
Out of The Past, Disc 2: Artisans And Traders |
Pascal Lecture: Poppy Flower Sandwiches |
Peanuts |
Persepolis |
Pidgin: The Voice of Hawai |
Pipelines, Power & Democracy |
Playing God With Planer Earth |
Pom Poko |
Potters of Hebron |
Poverty, Inc |