Adding and using the Webex Widget to simplify WebEx management

Adding and using the Webex Widget to simplify WebEx management

In this article

How to add the Webex widget to a LEARN Course Homepage

  1. Enter your LEARN course shell.

  2. Goto the Course Admin tab.

  3. Select the Homepages link.

  4. Click the Down Arrow next to the ‘Two-Column Course Homepage’ text, click the COPY button.

  5. Click the new hyper link created title ‘ Two-Column Course Homepage – Copy’.

  6. Scroll to the Widgets area of the page and click the Add Widgets button under Announcements.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the WebEX option and click ADD button.

  8. Left click in the WebEX widget and hold, then drag the WebEX widget above the Announcements widget.

  9. Click the Save and Close button.

  10. Click the Dropdown arrow for the Active Homepage area and select ‘Two-Column Course Homepage – Copy’.

  11. Click the 'Apply' button.

Accessing the Webex Widget in LEARN

  1. Login to learn.uwaterloo.ca.

  2. Click on the desired course.

  3. Scroll down to the Widget named WebEX and click on Click Here.

  4. A new tab will open with the Webex On Learn Virtual Meetings page.


In top left of the screen, you will see “Virtual Meetings”, “Setup”, and “Analytics”. By default, you are on the Virtual Meetings page.

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Under “Choose your features”, make sure only Virtual Meetings is checked

  3. Scroll until you see “Authorize with LMS” and ensure you are “Authorized”

Scheduling with Webex Widget

  1. From the Virtual Meetings page, click the blue New Meetings which opens the following page (For office hours select Meetings and for larger class Training is a better choice).

  2. Enter the name of your course/section/office hours

  3. Select the date and time of the first lecture/session as well as the duration

  4. Under “Choose Host Center” select between Meeting for office hours and small classes or Training for large classes (Event is for webinars)

  5. Under “Recurrence”, choose Weekly and select the days which your course/office hours occur

  6. Click Create Meeting

  7. Scheduled course/office hours should now appear on the Virtual Meetings page

Starting Meeting with Webex Widget

  1. Go to the Virtual Meetings page (first page after clicking on widget).

  2. Anything scheduled and upcoming will appear in the middle of the screen.

  3. To start the session, click the green Host button on the right. Starting your session from within the widget will also post the links for subsequent recordings back here under Recordings tab. Note: If you start your session from outside ofeLEARN and webex widget your recordings will have to be posted manually as Announcements.

Note: To delete a meeting item on the Webex widget list if that item is no longer needed (e.g. if you are testing), do not delete it right after you have created it. The system needs to propagate its data across cloud services; deleting the meeting item right away can create inconsistent data and create errors for the user. 

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