Current Quiz Experience

Current Quiz Experience

The Quiz Tools creates and manages quiz assessments. You can use these tools to help evaluate student progress and learning outcomes. When creating a quiz it is important to consider the design of your question. There are many different question types available, so you can choose the ones that best suit your course content. The quiz tool consists of three main areas: creating/managing quizzes, the question library, and quiz statistics.

Creating a Quiz

Creating a quiz involves two parts, creating/importing the quiz questions and select your desired quiz settings.

Part One: Adding Questions

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes from the drop-down menu.

    Submit and Quizzes highlighted.
  2. Click the New Quiz button.

    Manage Quizzes and New Quiz button highlighted.
  3. Enter a Name for the quiz.

  4. Click the Add/Edit Questions button.

  5. Add questions to the quiz:

    • Select Add to choose to create a New Question, Section, or Question Pool.

    • Select Import to upload a question file or add questions from the Question Library to the quiz. See Using the Question Library for more information.

  6. If you are creating a new question, select New Question and select the type of question you would like to create from the list. To learn how to create specific question types please see the Quiz and Survey Question Types for more information.

  7. If you would like to use an already existing question, click Import.

  8. If you are importing questions from the question library within the course select Browse Question Library. See Using the Question Library for more information.

    1. Select the checkboxes beside the questions you would like to import and click the Add button.

    2. The question(s) will be imported and you will be taken back to the Add/Edit Questions page.

  9. Once you are done creating/importing questions select Back to Settings to return to your quiz.

Part Two: Quiz Settings

There are many settings options for quizzes. The settings associated with the various tabs are listed below.

Properties tab

  1. Select a Category from the drop-down list or create a new one by selecting add category if you want your quizzes organized by category.

  2. Under Quiz Questions there are the following options:

    1. If you would like to limit the number of questions that appear per page, fill in the text box for the questions per page field and click Apply. If left blank, the entire quiz will appear on one page.

    2. If you would like to prevent students from moving backwards through pages, check the Prevent moving backwards through pages box.

    3. If you would like the questions to appear in a random order, check the Shuffle questions at the quiz level box.

  3. If you want to add a message (optional), select Expand description/introduction and enter your message in the appropriate text field:

    • Description - Selecting the on radio button will make the description viewable to students prior to quiz availability.

    • Introduction selecting the on radio button will show the introduction to students when they commence the quiz.

  4. If you want to add a Header and/or Footer (optional), select Expand page header/footer and enter your message in the appropriate text field:

    • Header - selecting the on radio button will show the header at the top of every page.

    • Footer - selecting the on radio button will show the footer at the bottom of every page.

  5. Optional Advanced Properties can be selected to provide question context or reduce the opportunity for cheating.

    • Allow hints - any hints associated with a quiz question will be visible to students when taking the quiz.

    • Disable right click - prohibits users from printing quiz questions by right-clicking on a question when taking a quiz. Disabling right-click can be overridden for specific users, see the Accommodations documentation.

    • Disable Email, Instant Message and alerts - users will not be able to access the Email or Instant Messages tool or their alerts if they have a quiz attempt in progress.

    • Notification Email - allows specified users to receive an email message any time a user completes a quiz attempt. Enter the users email addresses and separate them using commas.

  6. Click Save or Save and Close.

Restrictions tab

This tab provides settings for quiz availability. By default, quizzes are set to hidden and will not honour the settings in this area until the quiz is set to visible by unchecking the Hide from Users box.

  1. Hide from Users box is checked by default, this needs to be unchecked prior to making the quiz available.

  2. To restrict access to the quiz, check the Has Start DateHas End Date and/or Has Due Date boxes and specify the start, end and due dates.

    • A Start Date indicates when the assignment is released to students. Prior to the Start Date, students will be able to see the quiz (unless it has been hidden), but they will not be able to access it.

    • A Due Date is the instructor-given date (and time) deadline for submitting a quiz. However, a student may submit after the Due Date (up until an End Date, if one is set), in which case it is marked late, in red, in both the instructor and the student view.

    • An End Date is more restrictive. It cuts off the quiz at the End Date and time set, where the student can no longer start a quiz.

    • If a Due Date and End Date are both set, then the quiz can be submitted late, after the Due Date, until the End Date is reached.  

    • Check Display in Calendar if you would like these dates to appear in the Waterloo LEARN calendar. The option to add to calendar will only become available if you have unchecked the Hide from Users option.

  3. To create Additional Release Conditions, click Create and Attach to create new release conditions.

    • To remove conditions, click the Remove icon beside individual conditions or Remove All Conditions. Release conditions specify actions students must complete or achieve before gaining access to the quiz. (E.g., view a certain module, submit something to a dropbox, get a certain grade on a previous assignment, etc.). Refer to the Release Conditions documentation for more information.

  4. To password protect the quiz, you must provide the password to students to access the quiz. Only users who enter the password will be granted access to complete the quiz.

  5. Time Limit and Late Submission options

    • Set the Time Limit for your quiz. A time limit MUST be entered even if the time for the quiz is “unlimited”.

    • Select Enforced Time Limit if you would like the quiz to be limited to the amount of time.

      1. Enter the number of minutes students are allowed to complete the quiz in Time Limit.

      2. Enter the number of minutes for a Grace Period. The grace period is the number of minutes students have after the time limit has expired to submit their quiz before it is flagged as late.

      3. Under Exceeded Time Limit Behaviour, select the desired behaviour after the Grace Period has been exceeded:

        • Allow the student to continue working. Users may continue to make changes and submit after the grace period.  The quiz will be marked as late.

        • Prevent the student from making further changes. Users will not be able to make changes once the grace period has passed.  The student will only be able to submit.

        • Allow the student to continue working, but automatically score the attempt as zero after an extended deadline. Users can always submit their quiz, regardless of the set time limit. If the quiz is submitted after the Time Limit + Grace Period time expires, the user receives a score of 0 on the quiz. You can manually grade this score if you feel that the user deserves more than 0.

  6. If you would like to allow special access to the quiz, select the appropriate option and then click the Add Users to Special Access button to add users (e.g., Accessibility students who require additional time to take the quiz). For additional information see the Special Access documentation.

    • Set the "Special Access Properties" from the options provided.  Any of the settings can be changed including Start/End dates, Amount of Time and/or the number of attempts.

    • Select the student(s) to receive these new restrictions.

    • Select Add Special Access.

  7. Click Save or Save and Close.

If a student will need consistent special access throughout the course, you can also add Accommodations which will affect all quizzes within the course. Special access will override any set Accommodations.

Assessment tab

This tab contains the settings for associating quiz results with a grade item, automatically transferring grades to the gradebook,​ and controlling the number of allowable attempts. By default, grades are not automatically published to the gradebook.

  • Checking the Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion will grade quiz questions that can be auto-graded. If you have question types like short and written response questions, the marks will not automatically transfer because manual marking is required.

  • Select the Grade Item from the drop-down list or create a new one by clicking add grade item (if you would like to transfer the marks from the quiz into the gradebook). See the Grades documentation for additional information.

  • Checking the Auto Export to Grades will push the grades for the quiz to the gradebook. This requires that a grade item is associated with the quiz and that the allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion is also checked.

  • Click the down arrow under Student View Preview if you wish to overwrite the default display settings that impact the way in which the quiz scores are displayed in the gradebook (only applicable if associated with a grade item in the gradebook).

  • Set the number of Attempts Allowed. The default is "1". Remember to click Apply if you alter this number.

    • If the number of attempts is set to any number greater than 1 (excluding unlimited) Advanced Attempt Conditions can be created (optional). This allows you to enter a minimum and/or maximum percentage that a student needs to achieve on the previous attempt to qualify for another attempt.

  • Selecting Retake Incorrect Questions Only will mean that learners who attempt a quiz more than once can only answer questions that were incorrect on the previous attempt. If you are using Automatic grading, Written Response questions will be marked as 0 and included in future attempts until they are graded manually.

  • Overall Grade Calculation allows you to select how a user's grade for a quiz is calculated if multiple attempts are allowed. Select your desired option from the drop-down list.

You can change what quiz details are made visible to the students at a later date by selecting the Submission Views tab and applying a start date for that view. The default submission view is raw score only.

Submission View tab

By default, upon submitting a quiz, students will see their overall raw score for only those questions that can be auto-graded. Typically, this is the preferred setting as students may be completing the quiz at different times. However, it may be appropriate to make questions and answers available at a later date. Submission Views can be created and set to release dates for such purposes.

  1. Click the Add Additional View button.

  2. Enter a Title for the view and optionally enter a message.

  3. Set a release Date.

  4. Optionally, if multiple attempts are allowed, select the attempt you want the restrictions to apply to.

    • Enter a Min Score and/or Max Score (optional).

  5. Select Limited Duration if you want to limit the amount of times for which the view is available after a student has submitted the quiz and enter the number of minutes (optional).

  6. Under View Details, select the details to be visible to students (show questions, score, and statistics).

  7. In the example below only questions answered incorrectly will be visible.

  8. Click Save.

Reports Setup tab

Here you can set up reports you would like to view for your quiz. This is not a mandatory part of setup, if you do not wish to review reports of your quiz, you may skip this tab. You can also create reports at any point in the future if you decide they are needed.

To create a report:

  1. Click Add Report.

  2. Enter the Report Name.

  3. Select the Report Type and what you want to be included in the report.

  4. Select the Release date.

  5. Choose the role/people you would like to Release Report To. If you are the instructor and do not select the Instructor role then you will not be able to see the report.

  6. Click Save.

Question Library

The question library allows you to create, edit, and store questions for all quizzes (and surveys) within your course. Creating questions within the question library is required if you are using random question pools. Otherwise, you can create questions in the quiz.

  • To access the Question Library select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  • Select Question Library.

  • Use the New drop-down menu and select either Section or Question Type.

  • After you have created quiz sections and/or questions, you can manage them in the Question Library. The following options are displayed at the top of the Question Library page after you have created sections or questions:

    • Create New Question or Section drop-down list.

    • Import questions from an existing quiz or text file.  

    • Move selected questions or sections.

    • Delete selected questions/sections.

    • Order selected questions/sections.

    • Edit Values allows you to quickly edit the points and the difficulty level of questions.

Creating Sections to the Question Library

Think of the sections in the Question Library as file folders in which you can store and organize groups of questions. For example, you might create a "multiple choice" section where you would put all your multiple choice questions, or a section containing all questions related to a specific topic, such as "Theoretical Fundamentals," or a section might contain questions for one particular quiz, or if you want to provide the same set of instructions for multiple questions. You may also have sections within sections.

Having your questions organized in sections is also useful when you create a quiz. Instead of importing the questions one at a time, you can import a whole section of questions into a quiz at the same time.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the Question Library tab.

  3. Click the New button and select Section from the drop-down menu.

  4. On the New Section page, enter a Section Title.

  5. If you would like you can enter a message and/or an image with a description in the Section Text box.

  6. You can determine if you would like to Hide Section Title from learners and Hide Section Text from learners.

    • If you are using sections simply as a way to organize your question library, you will likely want to select these options.

    • If the sections correspond to an actual quiz section that you would like students to be aware of and that may contain specific instructions for that section of the quiz (e.g. “answer the following questions based on this…”) you will likely want to unselect some/all of the options.

  7. You can select Shuffle questions in this section which will randomize the order of all the questions in th section.

  8. Once you have selected your desired options you can click the Save button to return to Question Library page will appear again, click Save and New to create another section, or Save and Copy to create another section with the same information.

Creating Questions in the Question Library

There are twelve possible question types that you can create within the question library. These include: true or false, multiple choice, multiple select, written response, short answer, multi-short answer, fill in the blanks, matching, ordering, arithmetic and significant figures. The process for creating each question type is slightly different. This section provides an overview of the process, but detailed step-by-step instructions for each question type, see Quiz and Survey question types.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the Question Library tab.

  3. If you want the question to be in a section, select the section to which to add questions.

  4. Click the New button and select the question type you wish to add.

  5. Fill out all required fields for the question type and any optional fields:

    • The “Question Text” field is required. This is what is displayed to students

    • All questions can be named with the optional "Title" field or by selecting Options and Add a Short Description from the dropdown menu. If a title or description is not entered, the system will use the full question text as the title. The title or description is never displayed to students.

    • A point value is required for all questions. The default is 1 point and the value cannot be set to zero.

    • Images can be added to the Question Text.
      Placing an image in a quiz question

      There may be occasions when you would like to include a visual in a Quiz question. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding your image to the quiz question.

      Before you create this quiz question, have your image file prepared:

      • Clarity – Make sure the image you use is clear and focused.

      • Size – You will be able to change the size during this process if needed, but if possible start with a large image.

      • Easy to understand – You may want to crop the image so that it is providing necessary information, and omitting anything extra.

      To Place an image in a Quiz Question:

      1. Open the Edit screen for the Quiz you want to edit. Click on Add Existing or Create New

      2. Choose whatever question type you require from the

      drop-down menu

      1. In this example, we are creating a

      Written Response question type. Click the Question Text box and then click on the Insert Stuff icon to upload or choose an image file.

      1. Select the location the file is stored, ie Course Offering Files

      1. Browse to your file, select it and click


      1. Now you are at the properties window. Complete the fields.

      Note: Do not give the image a description that will reveal the quiz answer as the student will see the properties if they hover their mouse over the image

      • Link text: Image 1 (or something similar that won’t give away answers)

      • Alternate text: While you want the Alt text to be generic enough to not inadvertently give away an answer, you do still want to have enough information so that students with visual impairments who use screen readers can still participate effectively and equitably.

      • Check the box next to Lock aspect ratio

      • Width: 650 pixels is a good starting place

      • Click Refresh Preview

      • If your image does not work well with 650 pixels, try 450 or 300. We don’t recommend making an image larger than 650 pixels, or it may not display well in a browser.

      • Click Insert


      Now you are back to your question edit screen, and you should see the image displayed. You have the following options before clicking Save. Refer to the image below:

      1. Write the question text here. In this example, students are filling in a response rather than answering a question. So we’ve entered “Question 1”.

      2. Students do not need an HTML editor unless you want them to upload something or use font tools. Typically this does not need to be checked.

      3. If you want to Allow learners to insert images and add attachments check the box.

      4. Enter your question point value

      5. Your image is displayed here, as the students would see it.

      6. The response field is displayed here, as the students would see it.

      7. Click Save when you are finished.

    • “Weight” refers to what percent credit a student will receive for selecting an answer. Some questions will automate a weight for the question, while others will need to be specified. The weight of some questions can be customized for partial credit by selecting Options and then Add Custom Weights from the dropdown menu.

    • The "Feedback" field gives information to students who select that answer. They will only be able to see it after they have submitted their answers to the quiz. Feedback can be added in the "Feedback" field next to the question or by selecting Options and Add Feedback, depending on the question type.

    • Text entered in the "Question Hints" field or by selecting Add Hint from the Options dropdown menu can be viewed by students as they are answering the question.

    • You have access to the preview, and spell-check features in each question text field. Click Preview to view your question as it will appear during use and grading. To access the Preview, click on the full-screen button in the Question Text toolbar.

  6. When you have finished creating the question choose from the following options:

    • Click Save to save the question and return to the main page

    • Click Save and Copy to save the question and create a new question of the same type and that retains the copied properties

    • Click Save and New to continue creating questions of the same type.

Importing Questions to a Quiz from the Question Library

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the quiz into which to import questions.

  3. Click the Add/Edit Questions button.

  4. Click the Import button.

  5. Select Browse Question Library.

  6. The Browse Question Library page will appear with a list of section titles. To import questions from another quiz instead, select the Source dropdown menu and choose the title of the quiz.

  7. Select the section in the Question Library that to import questions from, or select the arrow next to the section title to view a list of all questions in that section.

  8. Select the check boxes next to the section or question(s) to import.

  9. Select Import when finished. The questions will be added to the quiz.

Importing Questions from a Quiz to the Question Library

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the Question Library tab.

  3. Click the New button and select Section from the drop-down menu.

  4. A new folder will be created. Enter a title for the folder.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Select the new section that was created.

  7. Click the Import button.

  8. Select Browse Existing Questions from the drop-down menu.

  9. A popup will open. Select the Source dropdown menu and choose the title of the quiz to be imported.

  10. Choose the questions to be added. You can choose all the questions by selecting the checkbox at the top.

  11. Click the Import button.

  12. When finished, select Done Editing Questions.

Importing Questions from another format

There are a number of publishers that can provide compatible question bank cartridges that can be imported into Question Libraries for use in Waterloo LEARN.  

  1. To import the generated CSV file, select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the Question Library tab.

  3. Select the Quiz Section where you want the questions and click on the Import button.

  4. Select 'Upload a File' and drag and drop the file or click on the Browse Files button.

  5. Browse for your CSV file and click Open.

  6. The file will begin uploading and when it is complete you can click Import all to import all the questions or click Review to select which questions to import.

  7. If you click Review, you can see the question titles and question type. Select/deselect the questions you want to import.

  8. Click Import All or Import Selected.

  9. When finished, select Done Editing Questions.

Managing Quizzes

The manage quizzes section of the quiz tool is the area where you can create the actual quizzes that will contain the questions from the question library.

Clicking on the Quizzes menu item in the navbar automatically takes you to the Manage Quizzes section.

From this page, a number of tools are available to you. You can create New quizzes, or click More Actions to CopyReorderMake Visible to Users, Hide from Users and Delete quizzes. You can also create Categories by clicking on Edit Categories to help organize your quizzes.

Since there are a large number of options for setting up your quizzes, you may want to create a template quiz (without any questions) with all of your settings and then copy this template to create quizzes that will be populated with questions.

Creating Randomized Quizzes

The quizzes tool allows you to distribute a unique set of questions to individual students. For example, if there are 50 questions in the question library for a quiz and students need to complete 20 questions. In this example, each student will get 20 randomly assigned questions from the question library. Create and use Question Pool (random sections) to pull an elected number of questions from a designated pool stored in the Question Library.

You must use your questions in the Question Library. For better organization, it is recommended that you group the questions by question type or content covered using Sections. For example, you might create a Section for Part I - Multiple Choice, or a Section for Chapter 1 questions. For step-by-step instructions about creating sections and questions in the Question Library, see Using the Question Library.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. If a quiz has already been created, proceed to step four.

  3. To create a quiz, from the Manage Quizzes tab click the New Quiz button For further assistance with creating a quiz see Creating a Quiz.

  4. Select the quiz you would like to add the random questions into.

  5. Click the Add/Edit Questions from the Properties tab.

  6. Click the New button and select Question Pool.

  7. Enter a Name for the new Question pool. The name should be something meaningful (e.g. Part I - Multiple Choice, or Chapter 1, etc.)

  8. Click the Browse Question Library button.

  9. Use the checkboxes to select the specific questions/sections you wish to draw from for the quiz and click the Import button. You can use the Source: drop-down menu to view questions from different Quizzes/Surveys.

  10. Enter the number of questions per attempt you want each user to see from the random section. For example, if you have 10 questions in your question pool, entering 5 in the Numbers of Question to Select field will display 5 questions randomly to the student from the pool of 10 questions in the question pool.

  11. Enter the points value for each question in the Points per Question field.

  12. After entering the number, selected questions can be previewed straight away on the right side. You can click on the Refresh Preview icon if you want to change the questions. 

  13. Click Save and then Back to Settings.

  14. You will now see a summary on the quiz Properties tab: the Question Pool title, number of questions to be displayed, and the total point value.

  15.  Click Save and Close on the edit quiz page.

Previewing Quizzes

Previewing a quiz allows you to see how it will be displayed to students when taking the quiz.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz and select Preview.

  3. The Preview Quiz page will open. By default, the Bypass Restrictions option is checked this allows you to bypass any restrictions such as conditional release, number of attempts, or whether the quiz is active. Click the Start Quiz! button.

  4. The quiz will open. Review the quiz and select or enter answers. You can click Exit Preview at any time.

  5. Click the Submit Quiz to preview Submission views or to grade the preview attempt (optional). On the Quiz submission confirmation page click Submit Quiz.

    • Select "Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area" to record the preview attempt and allow it to be graded (Optional).

  6. Click the Exit Preview or Done button.

If the quiz has a randomized subset of questions, the quiz will need to be previewed multiple times to see all of the questions. 

Grading Quizzes

There are 3 options for grading quizzes. You can grade by Users, Attempts, or Questions. Grading by Users or Attempts allows you to grade all the questions for a selected user.

Grade quizzes by user

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to mark and select Grade.

  3. In the list of student names, you will see the attempts for the quiz. Click on an attempt for a particular user to begin.

  4. Scroll down to the quiz questions and enter feedback.

    • Enter a value in the Score field for questions that need to be graded manually or to change the score that LEARN automatically assigned.

    • Select Expand question feedback to provide qualitative feedback (optional).

  5. Do not click the Auto-grade button. It will undo all the work you just did.

  6. After grading all the questions, click Save Draft if you want to publish the score later or Publish.

  7. You can navigate to the next and previous user by clicking the arrows in the upper right of the page.

  8. If students have multiple attempts, you can change the attempt you are viewing using the attempt drop-down menu.

Grade quizzes by attempt

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to mark and select Grade.

  3. Select the Attempts tab.

  4. From the list of attempts select the attempt number of the student you want to grade.

  5. Scroll down to the quiz questions and enter feedback.

    • Enter a value in the Score field for questions that need to be graded manually or to change the score that LEARN automatically assigned.

    • Select Expand question feedback to provide qualitative feedback (optional).

  6. Do not click the Auto-grade button. It will undo all the work you just did.

  7. If you would like view a different attempt by the student you can use the Attempt drop-down list at the top of the page.

  8. When done, click Save Draft if you want to publish the score later or Publish.

Grade quizzes by question

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to mark and select Grade.

  3. Select the Questions tab to view a list of all questions on the quiz.

  4. There is the option to Grade Individual Responses or if the quiz contains questions that are auto-graded you will have the option to Update All Attempts.

Grade Individual Responses

  1. Optionally, you can select Blind Marking which allows you to grade questions without the names of the student being visible.

  2. Select the question you would like to grade. Enter a value in the Score field.

    • Select Expand question feedback to provide qualitative feedback (optional).

  3. Click the Save and Continue button to go to the next student. Use the arrow in the upper left to move through the list of users for that question.

    • You can use the drop-down menu to change the number of responses you see per page. If viewing more than one response per page, click the Save button and use the arrows to move through the responses.

  4. When done, click the Go back to Questions button.

Update All Attempts

This allows you to see the percentage of responses each option received as well as the correct answer. See re-grading quiz questions for detailed information.

Re-grading Quiz questions

​​​​At times, a quiz may need to be revised. For example, if a wrong answer option was marked as correct for one of the questions on a quiz, the scores will need to be corrected. Before re-grading any questions or tests, wait until all students have completed the quiz.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz to be revised and select Grades.

  3. Select the Questions tab and to correct all submissions, select Update All Attempts.

  4. To re-grade, a question, select the question from the list of questions in the quiz. At this stage, you have a number of options

    1. You can give all attempts a specified number of points.

    2. You can give those with a specific answer a specified number of points.

  5. Make the desired changes and click on Save. You will be prompted to confirm your changes before the re-grade is performed.

  6. Enter a comment (optional).

  7. In the confirmation window, click Yes to save the changes to the grade values for all attempts.

  8. Repeat steps 4-7 again if necessary (e.g. to give incorrect answers zero points).

Publishing Quiz Scores to the Gradebook manually

If quizzes are not fully auto-graded, scores will need to be manually published to the gradebook.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to mark and select Grade.

  3. On the Users tab, select the “Select all rows” check box to select all the quiz attempts.

  4. Select Publish Feedback.

  5. In the pop-up window, select Yes to publish the quiz scores to the gradebook.

Viewing Quiz Statistics

The course statistics section of the Quizzes tool shows analytics for each quiz. You can view data for the whole class, individual students, and questions. No data will be available for a quiz until students have completed it.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to view the stats for and select Statistics.

  3. There are three tabs available for viewing quiz data:

    • User Stats: This page opens by default. It shows the quiz data by user, including the score distribution for the whole quiz, the class average, and each student’s grade on the quiz.

    • Question Stats: This page shows the data for the quiz filtered by questions, including the score distribution, average score, standard deviation, discrimination, and point biserial on a question. To see a preview of a question in a popup window, select the question name.

    • Question Details: This page shows each question, the correct answer, the percentage of times each answer was selected, as well as the average grade, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.

  4. Each tab has an Export to csv file button available if you wish to export the data.

Attempts in Progress

Occasionally, students will attempt a quiz and for a variety of reasons will not submit properly.

To determine whether there are any outstanding submissions:

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the desired quiz and select Grade.

  3. On the Users tab click the Show Search Options.

  4. From the Restrict to drop-down menu select Users with attempts in progress and click on the Search icon (magnifying glass).

    • Leaving the Search for… field blank will produce all in progress quizzes. If you are looking for a specific student you can enter their first name, last name, or student number.

  5. A list of students will be displayed below their attempt number it will say “(In progress)”.

Submitting a Quiz on Behalf of a Student

Submitting a quiz on behalf of a student is beneficial in the event where a student is unable to submit the quiz themselves, perhaps due to a technical error. 

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the down arrow next to the desired quiz and select Grade.

  3. On the Users tab click the Show Search Options.

  4. From the Restrict to drop-down menu select Users with attemps in progress and click on the Search icon (magnifying glass).

    • Leaving the Search for… field blank will produce all in progress quizzes. If you are looking for a specific student you can enter their first name, last name, or student number.

  5. Find the attempt under the students' name that has “(in progress)” and select the icon next to it (Enter Quiz as User).

  6. A confirmation window will appear asking you to confirm whether you would like to enter the quiz as the student, click the Yes button.

  7. Review the students' responses and make your desired changes. When ready click the Submit Quiz button to submit the quiz on behalf of the student. You also have the option to Exit Impersonating.

  8. To confirm that the quiz has been completed you can search for the student by entering their first name, last name, or student number in the Search for… field and then clicking the search icon (magnifying glass).

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