SAS in Health

SAS in Health

SAS for Courses

Courses using SAS in Health use SAS OnDemand for Academics and SAS Viya for Learners. Students should consult with their instructors to determine which platform to use for their course and for links to access the software.

SAS OnDemand is the traditional SAS 9.4 environment; SAS Viya includes access to SAS coding in addition to Python and R coding environments. Both of these services provide 5GB of storage space. Watch SAS OnDemand for Academics vs. SAS Viya for Learners (youtube.com) if you interested in learning the differences between the two platforms.

Creating an account at SAS

You can create a profile (or account) at SAS by completing the SAS Profile form. When creating a profile/account at SAS, use your University of Waterloo userid/username followed by @uwaterloo.ca (i.e. username@uwaterloo.ca) as the email address.

It is important to set a password on your SAS account that is different than the one you use with your regular UW account (e.g. LEARN, QUEST, WatIAM, Office365). That way, if the password of your SAS account is compromised, your UW account will remain safe.

SAS for Research

Depending upon the nature of your research, data and ethics approval, SAS OnDemand for Academics and SAS Viya for Learners may not be appropriate for research use because data are stored in a cloud environment operated by SAS.

Graduate Students and Researchers who want to use SAS for their research can download the software from the IST Webstore at no cost (listed under “Campus Licenses”). Refer to Installing SAS on your computer for instructions on purchasing and installing SAS.

SAS is available for Windows computers only. If you do not have a Windows-based computer that you can use for your SAS processing, Health Computing has a limited number of SAS virtual desktops that can be used for research purposes.

SAS Installation Tips

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