Installing OpenVPN Client (MacOS)

Installing OpenVPN Client (MacOS)

You can download the Games Institute OpenVPN profile by right clicking the link below and select “Save link as”.




  1. First, download Tunnelblick

  2. Next, download the gi-gateway.ovpn profile from above. Nagivate to where Tunneliblick downloaded and double click it. When Tunnelblick launches, you will be greeted with the following screen:

  3. The system will prompt you with a warning that "Tunnelblick" is an application downloaded from the internet. Click Open in the bottom right corner of the window.

  4. You will then be prompted for your password to allow Tunnelblick to be installed into Applications.

  5. Another window will appear, welcoming you to Tunnelblick and asking if you have any configuration files. In the bottom right corner, select I have configuration files

  6. Yet another window will come up. Feel free to read the text and click Ok to continue.

  7. Navigate to where you downloaded the .ovpn file. Select it, then drag it to the Tunnelblick icon in the top right corner of your screen

  8. A green circle with a white plus will appear and a window will pop up once the file is dropped asking if you want to install the configuration for all users or just yourself. Choose one to continue. You will be prompted for your password.

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