Enroll/Un-enroll in Courses using GoSignMeUp

Enroll/Un-enroll in Courses using GoSignMeUp

You must Create an Account on GoSignMeUp first before proceeding with these instructions.

Click to expand:

  1. Go to https://uwaterloo.gosignmeup.com/ and sign in with your UW email address (e.g., username@uwaterloo.ca) and password.

  2. Click the Participant link.

  3. Click the Browse Course/Sessions link in the top-right.

  4. From the navigation on the left, click Campus Wellness and then choose the type of course (e.g., Accuro on-site training).

  5. Click the Register button beside the course you want to enroll in.
    **For Accuro on-site training courses, the access code is Accuro**

  6. Once you have registered, click the Checkout button.

  7. If you wish to enroll in more courses, click the Add more Course/Sessions button.

  8. Once you are done adding courses, click the Proceed to Next Step button. You will then be enrolled in your course(s) will receive a confirmation email that includes an .ical attachment, which will allow you to add your course(s) to your calendar.

  1. Go to https://uwaterloo.gosignmeup.com/ and sign in with your UW email address (e.g., username@uwaterloo.ca) and password.

  2. Click the Participant link.

  3. In the bottom-right, you will see a Course/Sessions section, click the Enrolled tab and then use the drop-down menu beside the course you wish to cancel and choose Cancel Course/Session.

  4. Click Yes. That course/session has now been cancelled for you and you will receive an email confirmation of the cancellation.