Convert a Word Document to a Fillable PDF

Convert a Word Document to a Fillable PDF

You are required to have Adobe Acrobat Pro (not just Adobe Reader) on your computer for this to work. Adobe Acrobat Pro requires you to purchase a license to have it on your computer.

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat Pro.

  2. Click Tools.


  3. Scroll down to find the Forms & Signatures area.

  4. Click Open under Prepare Form.


  5. Click Select a file.

  6. Find your Word document to convert and click the Open button.

  7. Click the blue Start button; your document will now be converted to a PDF and items such as text boxes will be converted to text fields.

  8. You can then use the Form items in Adobe Acrobat Pro to add/edit items on your form.

  9. Once your form is done, click Save .