TA access to Sharepoint folders
Frequently, TAs require access to ECE Undergraduate Lab Sharepoint folders for specific courses. These instructions describe how to best administer these access privileges.
Use of Microsoft Team
The best way to manage access rights is through the use of a Microsoft Team. Each course should have its own Microsoft Team. The Team name should match the course code (e.g. ECE 106, MTE 484).
If a Microsoft Team does not exist for the course, it can be requested from IST here: https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/137
Add each TA on the teaching team to the Microsoft Team:
In Microsoft Teams, go to the Teams page.
Click on the ellipsis (…) next to the Team you wish to administer and select Manage team.
Click on Add member and add all TAs.
Granting access
Once the Microsoft Team is created, folder access rights can be assigned to the member of that Microsoft Team.
In Sharepoint, go to the folder one level above that you wish to assign access to. For example, if you with to assign access to the entire ECE 106 folder, go to the Lab Materials folder.
Click on the ellipsis (…) along the row for the folder you wish to grant access to.
Select Manage access.
Click on the Groups tab.